Hi all,
I am trying to work out how to use the try and catch methods in Java. I am new if you havent guessed and I am wondering how I can change my code which searches for a particular user id which is inputted and when found it opens the file corresponding to the name. I am having trouble working out how when the person is not found it throws the file not found exception. I am hoping to sidestep this and loop the code back to the add customer section.

Thanks in advance

import java.io.*;
 import java.util.*;
   public class AddProperty {
    public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
      String check2 = "NEW";
      // this is a section creatd to implement in larger assignment
      Scanner addScan = new Scanner(System.in);
      System.out.println("Please Enter the Landlords ID Number?");
      System.out.println("If a new Landlord type   NEW ");
      String check = addScan.nextLine(); 
      check = check.toUpperCase();
      //possible to loop here if file not found 
      if (check.equals(check2)) {
         System.out.println("Taking you to the new landlord section");
         // Will be adding code when completed the lower section
         /* Search for landlord which will be loaded in the initial setup
          * I am looking to have the user write a code i.e. ll001
          * which is linked to its own file. This will then load the information 
          * to be edited or updated.
         {System.out.println("Starting search for Landlord");
         String line = ""; 
         ArrayList data = new ArrayList();
         try { 
            FileReader fr = new FileReader(check + ".txt"); 
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
         while((line = br.readLine()) != null) { 
         catch(FileNotFoundException fN) 
      catch(IOException e) { 

having trouble working out how when the person is not found it throws the file not found exception.

Have you looked at the File exists() method?

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