I am doing a payroll program that requires a sentinel value. I cant seem to get it right no matter how much I try. here is my code so far:

//Filename: Payroll3.java
//Description: Payroll calculator with sentinel loop
//Author Name: Chris Russo
//Date: 08/15/2010

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Payroll3New
    //main method to execute program
    public static void main (String args[] )

        //main execution
        Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );


        String empName;
        float wage;
        float hours;
        float pay;
        double overTimePay;
        boolean stop= false;//changed to sentinel flag


            System.out.printf( "Enter employee name or 'stop' to exit:");
            empName = input.nextLine();

            if( empName.equalsIgnoreCase("stop")){

            System.out.printf( "What is the hourly rate?");
            wage = input.nextFloat();
            while (wage <=0)

                System.out.print("Please enter an amount above 0 dollars");
                wage = input.nextFloat();

        System.out.print( "How many hours?");
        hours = input.nextFloat();

            while (hours <=0)
                System.out.print("Please enter an amount above 0 hours:");
                hours = input.nextFloat();


    if (hours>40)// Overtime


        pay = hours * wage;//multiplication
        overTimePay = (hours-40) * (wage*1.5);
        //using printf and println
        System.out.println("Employee:" + empName);
        System.out.printf("Hourly Rate: $%.2f\n", wage);
        System.out.println("Regular Hours worked:" + "40");
        System.out.println("Overtime Hours worked:" + (hours-40));
        System.out.printf("Total Pay: $%.2f\n", pay);
        System.out.printf("Overtime Pay: $%.2f\n", overTimePay);
        System.out.printf("Gross Pay: $%.2f\n", pay+overTimePay);
    else                // Under 40 Hours
        pay = hours * wage;//multiplication
        //using printf and println
        System.out.println("Employee:" + empName);
        System.out.printf("Hourly Rate: $%.2f\n", wage);
        System.out.println("Regular Hours worked:" + hours);
        System.out.printf("Gross Pay: $%.2f\n", pay);

        System.out.printf( "Enter employee name or 'stop' to exit:");
            empName = input.next();

        }//end loop

    }//end main

}//end class

Also, I get the following error message:

--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
H:\Payroll3New.java:43: variable wage might not have been initialized
            while (wage <=0)
1 error

Process completed.

variable wage might not have been initialized

Give it a value when you define it.

Add a / in the ending code tag

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