
First of all it is not home work or anything lol, creating this project just for fun of it and want to learn more.

Anyway, I have decided to create a dictionary from english to my language(farsi). So if I have a textbox for user to enter text and a button to retrieve the result and show it in label. I have following questions :

1. Is it possible to display other languages e.g. mine in a label. I read about CurrentInputLanguage but still not sure.

2. Where should i store the keywords. for example if i have a file and store each word and its meaning then search the file and display the meaning.

So far this is what is keeping me from starting it. please input your ideas.


1: .NET supports Unicode, which means you can use an Input Method Editor(IME) in text boxes. I think that there's an input for Arabic character sets.

2: You could store the keywords in a database, like SQL express, or SQLLite... Would that work for you?

Thanks for your reply. but if I store it in a database what happens when it comes to installation of the dictionary. how would i deploy the database part of it in another words

Thanks for your reply. but if I store it in a database what happens when it comes to installation of the dictionary. how would i deploy the database part of it in another words

An MSAccess database which have a .mkv file extensions, wouldn't need any special installation on the client's machine. And it's quite ez to manage.

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