Hello everyone..
how to write "75 18" (binary) in offset 004012BC?

Dim Fhand As Integer
Dim Offst As Long
Dim DataP As Byte
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Fhand = FreeFile
Offst = &H4012BC
DataP = &H4B + &H12 'this is 75 18(binary), is this the right way to write 75 18?

Open "C:\asdf.test" For Binary As Fhand
   Put Fhand, Offst, DataP
Close Fhand
MsgBox "write success", vbOKOnly + vbInformation + vbApplicationModal, "Done !"

End Sub

i've tried this but no use, the asdf.test file just become 4MB, please help

example: binary 75 16 is JNZ SHORT 004012D4

It seems that you want to change the binary to hex/decimal, correct?

Google the values of 75 and 18 to the conversion you require.

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