hi all!!

I need some help here. It's the Translation matrix. I can't seem to get the output. I wonder if my conditions are right cause I've been changing them. Please do take a look from line 125 onwards. Thanks much!

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

public class KateAug24{
   	private static StringBuffer buffer;
   	private static BufferedReader input1=null;
   	public static String [] arrayM1 = new String [10000];
   	public static String [] arrayM2 = new String [10000];
   	public static Double [][] coordinates1 = new Double [10000][10];
   	public static Double [][] coordinates2 = new Double [10000][10];
   	public static Double [][] coordinates2T = new Double [10000][10];
   	public static Double [] Translate = new Double [10]; 
   	public static Double [][] coordinatesDiff = new Double [10000][3]; 
   	static DecimalFormat fmt= new DecimalFormat("0.000"); //3 D.P
	public static void main(String args[]) {
	int i=0,j=0;	
   	String text1;
   	String text2;
   	double X=0;
   	double Y=0;
   	double Z=0;


    FileInputStream fstream1 = new FileInputStream("D:\\project1\\exp\\proteins\\1A6G.pdb.txt");
    FileInputStream fstream2 = new FileInputStream("D:\\project1\\exp\\proteins\\1A6K.pdb.txt");
    DataInputStream in1 = new DataInputStream(fstream1); // Get the object of DataInputStream
    DataInputStream in2 = new DataInputStream(fstream2); // Get the object of DataInputStream
    BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in1));
    BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in2));

    while ((text1 = br1.readLine()) != null)   {  //Read File Line By Line

        if(text1.trim().startsWith("ATOM")) {
        	StringTokenizer s1 = new StringTokenizer(text1," ");

         	int counter1=0;
          	String line1="";

          	while(s1.hasMoreTokens()) {

				String ss1 = s1.nextToken();

		    	if(counter1 == 3){
		    		line1 += ss1;
		    		arrayM1[i] = ss1;

    		coordinates1[i][0]= Double.parseDouble(text1.substring(30,38));//X
			coordinates1[i][1]= Double.parseDouble(text1.substring(38,46));//Y
			coordinates1[i][2]= Double.parseDouble(text1.substring(46,56));//Z

		}//end of if

	} //end of while.


	while ((text2 = br2.readLine()) != null)   {  //Read File Line By Line

        if(text2.trim().startsWith("ATOM")) {
        	StringTokenizer s2 = new StringTokenizer(text2," ");

         	int counter2=0;
          	String line2="";

        	while(s2.hasMoreTokens()) {

				String ss2 = s2.nextToken();

		    	if(counter2 == 3){
		    		line2 += ss2;
		    		arrayM2[i] = ss2;

    		coordinates2[i][0]= Double.parseDouble(text2.substring(30,38));//X
			coordinates2[i][1]= Double.parseDouble(text2.substring(38,46));//Y
			coordinates2[i][2]= Double.parseDouble(text2.substring(46,56));//Z
		 }//end of if

	} //end of while.

			}//end of try

			catch( IOException e) {
				}//end of catch

				for(int a=0; a<coordinates1.length; a++) {
         for(int b=0; b<coordinates1[a].length; b++) { 
          for(int c=0; c<coordinates1[b].length ; c++){
            X = coordinates1[1][0]/coordinates2[1][0];
			Y = coordinates1[1][1]/coordinates2[1][1];
			Z = coordinates1[1][2]/coordinates2[1][2];
         double [][] Translation1={ {X,0,0}, {0,Y,0}, {0,0,Z} };
         coordinates2[a][b]= coordinates2[a][c]*Translation1[c][b];
      if(coordinates1[a][b]!= null)
	System.out.println(coordinates1[a][b]); //Print out the whole array

	}// end of main

I can't seem to get the output

Can you explain what happens?

Try printing out the values of
to see what is happening in the code.

Can you explain what happens?

Try printing out the values of
to see what is happening in the code.

for the 1st one I got:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at KateAug244.main(KateAug244.java:137)
Java Result: 1

2nd one: the same as the above.

at KateAug244.main(KateAug244.java:137)
What code is at line 137? What variable is null?
There appears to be more than one.
Add a println() to show the contents of all the variables to see which one is null.

at KateAug244.main(KateAug244.java:137)
What code is at line 137? What variable is null?
There appears to be more than one.
Add a println() to show the contents of all the variables to see which one is null.

137: coordinates2[a]= coordinates2[a][c]*Translation1[c];

o/p: coordinates2[a]

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at KateAug24.main(KateAug24.java:137)
Press any key to continue...

o/p: coordinates2[a][c]

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at KateAug24.main(KateAug24.java:137)
Press any key to continue...

o/p: Translation1[c]

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at KateAug24.main(KateAug24.java:137)
Press any key to continue...

What variable was null? The JVM is finding something null at line 137

Your print out of numbers without labels doesn't mean anything to me.
A better printout would be to add id strings to the output:
System.out.prntln("Translation1[c]= " + Translation1[c]);


I cannot print coordinates2[a][c], Translation1[c], coordinates2T[a]. It gives the same error. Nothing comes out eversince I flush the memory. That is the only thing in my command prompt I see

It gives the same error

please post the full text of the error message.

please post the full text of the error message.

Sure! Error msg:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at KateAug24.main(KateAug24.java:137)
Press any key to continue...

Test all the variables used on line 137 for null.

Try changing the types from Double to double for all the arrays but the variable: coordinates1 which you need to be an Object for testing != null
Then you shouldn't get NPEs for primitives.

Thank you! I've changed it but there's a new error..

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
at KateAug24.main(KateAug24.java:137)
Press any key to continue...

Thank you. That error is gone but, unfortunately another one pops up:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
at KateAug24.main(KateAug24.java:137)
Press any key to continue...

What is the size of the array: Translation1?
Does it have an element at index 3?

What is the size of the array: Translation1?
Does it have an element at index 3?

I dont think I have declared any size for Translation1..
I just create Translation1:

     double [][] Translation1={ {X,0.0,0.0}, {0.0,Y,0.0}, {0.0,0.0,Z} };

Must I declare a specific size?

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Well, at this point, the array is of length 3 in both dimensions. So if you are calling Translation1[3][0] or Translation1[0][3], (or with any number as index > 2), you well get an error.

You should copy and paste the definition from your code, not type it in. Your original code has:
double [][] Translation1={ {X,0,0}, {0,Y,0}, {0,0,Z} };
It creates a 3x3 array.

You should copy and paste the definition from your code, not type it in. Your original code has:
double [][] Translation1={ {X,0,0}, {0,Y,0}, {0,0,Z} };
It creates a 3x3 array.

I changed that part of my codes, because I initialized it with a double so I realized the 0 should be a 0.0
And yes, I want to create a 3x3 array, because I want an orthogonal matrix.

Do you understand now why you get: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3

Do you understand now why you get: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3

not really, my guess would be my 3x3 matrix? But why? Please enlighten me, I'm still trying to understand the world of Java...

Ok, so now I finaly got rid of the error ,my code became like this:

for(int a=0; a<coordinates1.length; a++) {
       for(int b=0; b<2; b++){ 
         for(int c=0; c<1; c++){
            X = coordinates1[1][0]/coordinates2[1][0];
			Y = coordinates1[1][1]/coordinates2[1][1];
			Z = coordinates1[1][2]/coordinates2[1][2];
         double [][] Translation1={ {X,0.0,0.0}, {0.0,Y,0.0}, {0.0,0.0,Z} };
         coordinates2T[a][b]+= coordinates2[a][c]*Translation1[c][b];
   if( coordinates2T[a][b]!= 0.0)
 //Print out the whole array

But when I print it, this is the output(Part of it, codes are too long):


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And when I print it individually:


So, this means that i have a zero value for both the 2nd column and 3rd column.
Why is that so? your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

I don't know why for sure. Try adding some debug info to the print out to show a and b:
System.out.println("\tcoordinates2T[a]="+coordinates2T[a] + " a=" + a + ", b=" + b);

I don't know why for sure. Try adding some debug info to the print out to show a and b:
System.out.println("\tcoordinates2T[a]="+coordinates2T[a] + " a=" + a + ", b=" + b);

Thank you!

Alrighty, I've got all the values I need, however,

There are repeititons in my o/p:
The first column(X) will repeat 3 times
The second column(Y) will repeat twice
The third column(Z) will not repeat at all, it stays at 1

All of the above happens when: coordinates2T[a]+= coordinates2[a][c]*Translation1[c];

(Part of my o/p)

Press any key to continue...

However if I remove the + sign infront of the = it doesn't repeat, which is great but then again,
I am unable to print coordinates2T[1][0], coordinates2T[1][1] but I can print coordinates2T[1][2].

Is it possible If I want my o/p to be able to print w/o repetition and also I can print individual coordinates as and when I want to?

for(int a=0; a<coordinates1.length; a++) {
       for(int b=0; b<3; b++){ 
         for(int c=0; c<3; c++){
            X = coordinates1[1][0]/coordinates2[1][0];
			Y = coordinates1[1][1]/coordinates2[1][1];
			Z = coordinates1[1][2]/coordinates2[1][2];
         double [][] Translation1={ {X,0.0,0.0}, {0.0,Y,0.0}, {0.0,0.0,Z} };
         coordinates2T[a][b]+= coordinates2[a][c]*Translation1[c][b];
if( coordinates2T[a][b]!= 0.0)

 //Print out the whole array

I don't see where you print this string out in the code you just posted:

Try adding some debug info to the print out to show a and b:
System.out.println("\tcoordinates2T[a]="+coordinates2T[a] + " a=" + a + ", b=" + b);

The above print out doesn't have an id string with the number

I don't see where you print this string out in the code you just posted:

Try adding some debug info to the print out to show a and b:
System.out.println("\tcoordinates2T[a]="+coordinates2T[a] + " a=" + a + ", b=" + b);

The above print out doesn't have an id string with the number

Alright, I think I've got it!! Thank you for your guidance and help!! :D
May God bless you!

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