Hi, for any of you who have done some java programming in cryptography I need your help.
I'm trying to right and blinding and unblinding procedure, however at the final stage I should get a true, but I'm getting a false. If you know what's wrong, can you point it out?
* Alice blinds her message, m, with her key, b.
* blind(m,b)
//Print out message in string and Hex
byte[] aliceMessage = "This is the text for blinding".getBytes("UTF-8");
System.out.println("Alice's Message(String): " + new String(aliceMessage));
System.out.println("Alice's Message(Hex): " + HexBin.encode(aliceMessage));
//Generate secure random
SecureRandom randomVal = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
//Use rsa key pair gen
BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger("1001",16);
RSAKeyPairGenerator rsaKeyPair = new RSAKeyPairGenerator();
RSAKeyGenerationParameters rsaParams = new RSAKeyGenerationParameters(bigInteger,randomVal,1024,16);
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair rsaKeys = rsaKeyPair.generateKeyPair();
//Blinding factor
RSABlindingFactorGenerator factor = new RSABlindingFactorGenerator();
//ok, got the rsa key parameters
RSAKeyParameters pKey = (RSAKeyParameters) rsaKeys.getPublic();
BigInteger fac = factor.generateBlindingFactor();
//Now, for blinding parameters
RSABlindingParameters params = new RSABlindingParameters(pKey,fac);
//Now, for blinding engine
RSABlindingEngine eng = new RSABlindingEngine();
eng.init(true, params);
//blind data and store
byte[] blindedData = "Empty".getBytes("UTF-8");
try {
blindedData = eng.processBlock(aliceMessage, 0, aliceMessage.length);
} catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Blinding failed. Error.");
//Print out blinded messasge
System.out.println("\nAlice's Blinded Message: " + HexBin.encode(blindedData));
* STEP 2: Sign blinded message
* Alice has sent her blinded message to Bob so Bob can sign
* Bob generates key pairs (private and public keys) and
* signs Alice's blinded message with his private key, d.
* sign(blind(m,b),d)
//Generate key pair
KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
KeyPair keyPair = kpg.genKeyPair();
//Get out bob's public and private keys
PublicKey bobPubKey = keyPair.getPublic();
PrivateKey bobPrivKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
//Signature engine
Signature signatureEngine = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA");
//Initialise the signature to sign mode, with Bob's private key
//Pass in blinded message
//Obtain Bob's signature
byte[] bobSignature = signatureEngine.sign();
//Print out Bob's signature
System.out.println("\nBob's signature: " + HexBin.encode(bobSignature));
* Now, Bob sends signed blinded message back to Alice.
* Alice unblinds with the same key she used to blind the message
* unblind(sign(blind(m,b),d),b)
eng.init(false, params);
byte[] unBlindedData = "Nothing here".getBytes("UTF-8");
try {
unBlindedData = eng.processBlock(aliceMessage, 0, aliceMessage.length);
} catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("UnBlinding failed. Error!!! FUCK!");
//Print out unblinded data: this should equate to bob's signature on
//alice's message using his private key
System.out.println("\nUnBlinded Message: " + HexBin.encode(unBlindedData));
* After unblinding, the result should be sign(m,d);
* that is, it should be the Bob's signature on alices message, using his
* private key.
* (Remember, normally, it should have been alice sending the message,m, to bob
* and bob signs it: sign(m,d), but the idea is to ensure that bob has no idea
* what the message is).
* Now, Alice must verify that the unblinded data is in fact bob's signature of her
* message. To do this she needs Bob's public key, which he sent along with signture
//we already have a sig engine declared
//Signature signatureEngine = Signature.getInstance("MD5WithRSA");
//Initialise the signature to verify mode
//To verify, pass in alice's original message
boolean isVerified = false;
try {
//normally, you would pass in byte[] bobSignature
//but remember, we want to verify the signature on alice's message,
//which is sign(m,d), and this is in fact the unblinded data.
isVerified = signatureEngine.verify(unBlindedData);
} catch(SignatureException se) {
System.out.println("Something went wrong...");
System.out.println("\nIs this bob's signature on Alice's message?: " + isVerified);