Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer was formerly known as the Sun Certified Java Programmer certification. Does anyone know if the switch to Oracle has changed anything significantly, such as the questions that will be on the test? Or is it the same cert with a new name? The reason I ask is because it is easy to find materials to study for SCJP, but not for the new Oracle one.. do the materials for SCJP still apply?


(btw - I did a search, plenty of SCJP questions, but don't see this one answered anywhere.)
(also, hi guys, long time no see :) )

From this site which is a *very* reliable source:

Oracle has changed the naming for all sun certifications,to fit existing oracle certification names,effective September 1st

Note that this is just a name change,nothing will change regarding the certifications themselves

Naming of the certifications before and after the change

for example SCJP 6 will be called "Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer" from now on

Thanks, the link is much appreciated. The fact that they aren't changing the objectives means regardless of how they change the test questions, the same topics will be covered, so that's good enough for me. Thanks for your help s.o.s.

Hey i have given my Sun Java 6 certification just 2day and got 75%. Its True that now v wld get the title of "Oracle certified Professional in Java 6" but the syllabus for the test is the same. Yeah but the entire xam is refreshed so u might not see any question in the xam related wid dumps.........newaz i wish all d v best to u.

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