I'm completely new to python and really need help with this. I have written this basic cash fund program that allows a person to withdraw, deposit, and receive a balance from it. But now I need to now add email capabilities, by setting up a database (or list) of account holders' information such as email and other information. When a query is made by a user, they should enter a username or some other means of identification. When the query is accomplished, an email verification of the details should also be sent to the user. Please help! Here is my code so far:
from normalDate import ND
today = ND()
class Account:
def __init__(self, initial):
self.balance = initial
def deposit(self, amt):
self.balance = self.balance + amt
def withdraw(self, amt):
self.balance = self.balance - amt
def getbalance(self):
return self.balance
a = Account( 1000.00 )
inputing = True
while inputing:
print "Welcome to the Firm's Petty Cash Fund"
print '1) Deposit'
print '2) Withdraw'
print '3) Balance'
print '4) Done'
action = int(raw_input('Please choose the number next to action you wish to perform: '))
if action == 1:
d = float(raw_input('Enter the amount the amount you have deposited: '))
print 'You have deposited:', '$',d, 'on', today.formatUS()
print 'Your balance is now:', a.getbalance()
fill = input('Press Enter to enter to the main menu: ')
elif action == 2:
w = float(raw_input('Enter the amount that you have withdrawn: '))
print 'You have withdrawn:', '$',w, 'on', today.formatUS()
print 'Your balance is now:', '$',a.getbalance()
fill = input('Press Enter to enter to the main menu: ')
elif action == 3:
print 'The current balance for', today.formatUS(), 'is', '$',a.getbalance()
fill = input('Press Enter to enter to the main menu: ')
print 'Thank you!'
inputing = False
print 'done'