i want to get records from msaccess when the pin number start from 'twt000'. I am using one variable name is pinnumber to store the value.

String pinnumber='twt000'

how to fetch records from msaccess database.

pst=con2.prepareStatement("Select * from pin_numbers where pin_number like '?*'");

Please any one help me.

Your query is wrong. Do some studying about sql. If you want to use ? and prepared statements don't use quotes. Use this:

"Select * from pin_numbers where pin_number like ?"


If you want to search rows that have this: "twt000" inside their value, then this '*' will not work with sql.

"Select * from pin_numbers where pin_number like '%" + pinnumber + "%'";

Not prepared statement.

Thankyou. My query is run

You can also use PreparedStatement which utilizes wildcards; just make sure that the "pin" you are setting already has those wildcard characters.

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