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You can use the following class to align text such as paragraphs to be centered, right, or left on a console. Also it supports some more methods. I have written this so it will be helpful for some and also for me. I'm not that pro so have wasted a lot of time to test and design this small class. So hope some of you will get some value from it. :) ... Also please test and tell me if there are unexpected results. Please feel free to comment about the class. I would really appreciate it. :)

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#ifndef CONSOLE_H
#define	CONSOLE_H
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
 * This class is designed to format string outputs on the console. You can align
 * strings to right side, left side, or center. Support newline character inside
 * the string. Do not support backspace character.
 * @param str
class Console
     * The string will be right aligned and shown to on the standard console.
     * This method does not modifies the passed string.
     * @param str
    void printRight(string str)
        cout << getFrontNewLines(str);
        cout << alignRight(str) << endl;
     * The string will be left aligned and shown to on the standard console.
     * This method does not modifies the passed string.
     * @param str
    void printLeft(string str)
        cout << getFrontNewLines(str);
        cout << alignLeft(str) << endl;
     * The string will be Centered and shown to on the standard console.
     * This method does not modifies the passed string.
     * @param str
    void printCenter(string str)
        cout << getFrontNewLines(str);
        cout << alignCenter(str) << endl;

     * The passed string will be to be right aligned according to the console.
     * This method modidifies the original string. You can either use this to
     * assign to another string or just use the method to modify the original
     * string itself.
     * @param str
     * @return formatted text.
    string alignRight(string& str)
        int len = str.length();

        int loc = getBreakLoc(str);

        if (0 < loc)
            string tem;
            if (str[loc] == '\n')
                tem = str.substr(0, loc);
                tem = str.substr(0, loc + 1);

            str = str.substr(loc + 1, len - 1);
            return getRightSpace(tem) + tem + '\n' + alignRight(str);

            string newLines = "";

            int i = 0;
            while (str[i] == '\n')
                newLines = newLines + '\n';
            if (i != 0)
                str = str.substr(i, len-1);

            return newLines + getRightSpace(str) + str;
     * The passed string will be to be left aligned according to the console.
     * This method modidifies the original string. You can either use this to
     * assign to another string or just use the method to modify the original
     * string itself.
     * @param str
     * @return formatted text.
    string alignLeft(string & str)
        int len = str.length();

        int loc = getBreakLoc(str);

        if (0 < loc)
            string tem;
            if (str[loc] == '\n')
                tem = str.substr(0, loc);
                tem = str.substr(0, loc + 1);

            str = str.substr(loc + 1, len - 1);
            return getLeftSpace() + tem + '\n' + alignLeft(str);
            string newLines = "";

            int i = 0;
            while (str[i] == '\n')
                newLines = newLines + '\n';

            if (i != 0)
                str = str.substr(i, len - 1);

            return newLines + getLeftSpace() + str;

     * The passed string will be to be centered aligned according to the console.
     * This method modidifies the original string. You can either use this to
     * assign to another string or just use the method to modify the original
     * string itself.
     * @param str
     * @return formatted text.
    string alignCenter(string &str)
        int len = str.length();

        int loc = getBreakLoc(str);

        if (0 < loc)
            string tem;
            if (str[loc] == ' ' || str[loc] == '\n')
                tem = str.substr(0, loc);
                tem = str.substr(0, loc + 1);

            str = str.substr(loc + 1, len - 1);

            return getCenterSpace(tem) + tem + '\n' + alignCenter(str);
            string newLines = "";

            int i = 0;
            while (str[i] == '\n')
                newLines = newLines + '\n';

            if (i != 0)
                str = str.substr(i, len - 1);

            return newLines + getCenterSpace(str) + str;

     * You can use this method to set the pargraph width
     * @param width
    void setParaWidth(int width)
        if (width < 0)
            cout << "Error: paragraph width cannot be a negative value." << endl;

        if (width > conWidth)
            cout << "Error: Paragraph width is more than console width(ie. " <<
                    conWidth << "). width set to " << conWidth << "." << endl;

        paraWidth = width;

     * This add a left gap to left aligned strings. You can only insert a gap
     * if the paragraph width is less than console width.
     * @param gap
    void setLeftGap(int gap)
        if(conWidth - paraWidth == 0)
            cout <<"Error: You don't have space to set a left gap because\n"
                    "paragraph width is equal to console width. Reducing paragraph\n"
                    "width can fix this problem."<<endl;
        if (gap < 0)
            cout << "Error: Left gap cannot be a negative value." << endl;

        if (gap > conWidth - paraWidth)
            cout << "Error: Left gap is too large. The maximum value you can set is "
                   << conWidth - paraWidth <<"." << endl;

        leftGap = gap;
     * This add a right gap to right aligned strings. You can only insert a gap
     * if the paragraph width is less than console width.
     * @param gap
    void setRightGap(int gap)
        if(conWidth - paraWidth == 0)
            cout <<"Error: You don't have space to set a right gap because\n"
                    "paragraph width is equal to console width. Reducing paragraph\n"
                    "width can fix this problem."<<endl;

        if (gap < 0)
            cout << "Error: Right gap cannot be a negative value." << endl;

        if (gap > conWidth - paraWidth)
            cout << "Error: Right gap is too large. The maximum value you can set is "
                   << conWidth - paraWidth <<"." << endl;
        rightGap = gap;

    void updateConWidth()
        conWidth = getConWidth();

        conWidth = getConWidth();
        paraWidth = conWidth;
        leftGap = 0;
        rightGap = 0;

    void removeTrailingSpaces(string& str)
        int len = str.length();
        int i;

        for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (str[i] != ' ')

        str = str.substr(0, i + 1);

    void removeFrontSpaces(string& str)
        int len = str.length();
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            if (str[i] != ' ')

        str = str.substr(i, len + 1);

    string getCenterSpace(const string& str)
        string spaces = "";
        int noofspaces = (conWidth - str.length()) / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < noofspaces; i++)
            spaces = spaces + ' ';

        return spaces;

    string getRightSpace(const string& str)
        string spaces = "";
        int noofspaces = (conWidth - str.length()) - rightGap;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < noofspaces; i++)
            spaces = spaces + ' ';

        return spaces;

    string getLeftSpace()
        string spaces = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < leftGap; i++)
            spaces = spaces + ' ';

        return spaces;

    int getConWidth()
        //Update this function according to your OS and return the console
        // width
        return 80;

    string getFrontNewLines(string& str)
        int len = str.length();
        string newLines="";

        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            if (str[i] != '\n')

        newLines = str.substr(0, i);
        str = str.substr(i, len);

        return newLines;

    int getBreakLoc(string &str)

        int length = str.length();

        for (int i = 0; i < length && i < paraWidth; i++)
            if (str[i] == '\n')
                return i;

        if (length > paraWidth)
            int loc = paraWidth - 1;

            if (str[loc] != '\n' &&
                    (str[loc + 1] != ' ' && str[loc + 1] != '\n'))
                for (; loc > 0; loc--)
                    if (str[loc] == ' ' || str[loc] == '\n')
                        return loc;

                if (loc == 0)
                    loc = paraWidth - 1;
                    str.insert(loc, "-");
                    return loc;
                return paraWidth - 1;
            return -1;


    int leftGap;
    int rightGap;
    int conWidth;
    int paraWidth;
    string firstNewLines;
#endif	/* CONSOLE_H */
Member Avatar for Sinaru

A small mistake at line 198. It shouldn't say "width set to " << conWidth << "." << endl;". Now I saw it. It should be removed.

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