
i have a datagridview (Dg) with 7 columns.
i have a RowValidated event which tests if the validated cell is the first (index = 0)
then sets the focus on the third cell with columnIndex = 2
BUT the cell that's getting focus after the row is validated is on the next row not the row that's has been validated !!

Private Sub Dg_RowValidated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles Dg.RowValidated
        Dim colIndex = e.ColumnIndex
        Dim RowIndex = e.RowIndex
        If colIndex = 0 Then
            Dim Data = AjoutTableAdapter.GetData()
            Dim Row = Data.Select("code='" & Dg(colIndex, RowIndex).Value & "'")
            Dim rw = Dg.Rows(RowIndex)
            Dg(1, RowIndex).Value = Row(0)("name")
            Dg(3, RowIndex).Value = Row(0)("price")
            Dg.CurrentCell = Dg(2, RowIndex)
        End If
    End Sub

here's a more generic code with no database etc

Private Sub Dg_RowValidated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs)
        Dim colIndex = e.ColumnIndex
        Dim RowIndex = e.RowIndex
        If colIndex = 0 Then
            Dim rw = Dg.Rows(RowIndex)
            Dg(1, RowIndex).Value = "Name Example"
            Dg(3, RowIndex).Value = "10 $"
            Dg.CurrentCell = Dg(2, RowIndex)
        End If
    End Sub

this is a screenshot:
and thanks for your time !!

i some how managed with sendKeys

Dg.CurrentCell = Dg(2, RowIndex)



but any better approach is welcomed :)

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