Hi. Could you please guide me in performing operator overloading of Unary operator? Just explain the method with an example. Please add the explanation.

You mean the + operator?

class MyClass
   int x;
   MyClass() {x = 0;}
   MyClass operator+(int x)
      MyClass n = *this;
      n.x = n.x + x;
      return n;

Are you referring to the addition operator (operator+) or to any operator that takes only one operand?

There are 4 ways to overload operators, and which specific method you use depends on if it's a Unary operator or a Binary operator and whether it's a member function or not.

To overload a non-member Unary operator, the operand becomes a parameter to the operator function:

struct example {
  int anInt;

//Overload the Unary minus for the "example" struct:
void operator- (example &o1) {
  o1.anInt = -o1.anInt;

Fbody's solution is a bit bad because it changes the semantics of the built-in operator-. Consider it.

struct example {
  int anInt;
//Overload the Unary minus for the "example" struct:
void operator- (example &o1) {
  o1.anInt = -o1.anInt;

#include <iostream>

void Print(example e)
   std::cout << e.anInt;
int main()
example e1; 
e1.anInt = 4;
example e2 = -e1; //compile error, operator - is void;
Print(-e1) //compile error again, same reason.

Much better is, when operator - returns an object.

struct example {
  int anInt;
//Overload the Unary minus for the "example" struct:
example operator- (const example &o1) { //note the const, good style
  example ret;
  ret.anInt = -o1.anInt;
  return ret;

also , the operator can be a member of the class, like this

struct example
  int anInt;
  example operator - () const //note that there are no parameters, well the actual parameter is *this
   example ret;
   ret.anInt = -this->anInt;
   return ret;


Generally your methods are better, and how I would normally do it. I looked up "overloading C++ unary operators" before I posted just to check some things and I got a link to an IBM website. I found the examples on that page rather odd, so I went to another page (I don't remember what it was) and theirs were similarly formatted. I would have thought IBM's examples would be more authoritative and/or accurate than that, but upon further contemplation I can see the error in them.


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