I use Visual Basis 2008 With MySQL.
I Have one from with 6 (six) Datagridviews controls
I Have the following problem:

If i use Form1.Show method than the form1 is only show if data connections are made and all the datagridviews are filled with data .

What i want is to first show Form1 with alle the empty Datagridviews (6)controls and then After that
i want that the program make the data connections and fill DataGridView with data.

form1.show ' call form other Form

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

'in this  [U]Load event [/U]i make all the data connections en fill the datagridviews

End Sub

Thanks in advance for the replies,


>What i want is to first show Form1 with alle the empty Datagridviews (6)controls and then After that
i want that the program make the data connections and fill DataGridView with data.


can you give a example how to do that?
Can i not better use Backgroundworker Class to solve my problem?

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