I'm trying to write a code for class and after compiling the first half with g++, just make sure it'd work so far, I get all these errors. After looking them all up I don't understand why i'm getting these errors or how to fix them. If anyone could please help, this is my first attempt at C++ coding

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	double *num1ptr = new double;
	double *num2ptr = new double;
	char *oprptr = new char;
	double *solptr = new double;

	cout << "This program will add, subtract, multiply, or
divide two numbers inputted by the user." << endl;

	cout << "Please enter first number: ";
	cin >> *num1ptr;
	cout << "Please enter second number: ";
	cin >> *num2ptr;
	cout << "Enter the operation you would like to perform (to add use
'+', to subtract use '-', to multiply use'*', to divide use '/'): ";
	cin >> *oprptr;


these are the errors I get:
In function `int main()':
error: missing terminating " character
error: `divide' was not declared in this scope
error: expected `;' before "two"
error: missing terminating " character
error: missing terminating " character
error: `to' was not declared in this scope
error: expected `;' before "subtract"
error: missing terminating " character


The "String" should start and end on same line in the editor or you can extend it like ..


You have carriage returns in the middle of your string literals, you can't do that. If you want the output to wrap to the next line, you need to insert a newline character '\n'.

Okay thanks! i didn't realize that would be an issue just because the text editor just put it on a new line because it was too long! Thanks so much!

You can split a string literal to multiple lines like so ..

// A single string literal
cout << "This program will "
        "add, subtract, multiply, or "
        "divide two numbers inputted "
        "by the user."
     << endl;
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