in my project i am creating a rtf file using xx.save(considering xx is the name of file), now when i try to load the same file using xx.load it opens the file in rtf box it loads the file successfully but prints few unwanted information too.

a sample what is being loaded is:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial Black;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\i\f0\fs23 hey hi how are you\par

My content is only "Hey how are you". Rest all is unwanted. If i am not wrong it is the header information that is displayed along with. I dont want this extra info.

How to remove it ?

Thanks you!

The rtf box has two properties related:
.Text Is the text 'without' formatting
.Rtf is the same text 'with' formatting (the stuff you do not need).

When you save the file, you sould save the .rtf contents and, when loading, load the .rtf instead of the .text.

Hope this helps

yes i need formatting as i m creating a file(formatted), then if required it the same file can be opened for editing and saved back.
I am loading the .rtf and while saving too i am saving as .rtf

Can you post your code to show where you find the extra info?

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