Hey guys I am stumped. My code worked fine until I added the calculations:
interestRate = rate[choice];
termLoan = tYear[choice];
:\Users\Mom\Desktop\DuttonWeek4.java:252: incompatible types
found : double
required: javax.swing.JTextField
interestRate = rate[choice];
C:\Users\Mom\Desktop\DuttonWeek4.java:253: incompatible types
found : int
required: javax.swing.JTextField
termLoan = tYear[choice];
2 errors
Tool completed with exit code 1
I need to use the calculation or something similar can someone help me out here is the rest of my code.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
public class DuttonWeek4 implements ActionListener {
JTextField loanAmount; //Loan Amount entered by the user
JTextField interestRate; //Interest Rate Amount entered by the user
JTextField termLoan; //The Term (years) entered by the user
JComboBox loanYears; //number of years and percentage for the Loan
JScrollPane sPane; //Scroll bar that handles the overflow of payment within the table
JTable t; //Table that holds the payment arrays
private final String[] cols = {"Payment #","Payment","Amount Paid","Interest Paid","Balance"}; //titles for the columns
private final int NO_OF_COLUMNS = 5; //number of columns for the table
final int tMonth = 12; //number of months for each year
private final int[]tYear = new int [3]; // intitate tYear
private double[]rate = new double [3]; //interest rate array
private double lAmount; //double for parse and calculation
private double lRate; //double for parse and calculation
private double lTerm; //double for parse and calculation
private void init() { //private method to intitate tYear
tYear[0] = 7; // initialize terms
tYear[1] = 15; // initialize terms
tYear[2] = 30; // initialize terms
rate[0] = 0.0535; // initialize interest rate
rate[1] = 0.0550; // initialize interest rate
rate[2] = 0.0575; // initialize interest rate
public void calculate(double lPayment, double ratePayment, double termPayment) { // calculate loan payments base on user choice
int numOfPayments = (int) (termPayment * tMonth);
NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US); //Using number format based on Localized currency
double balance = lPayment; // static method of the Double class to throw a NumberFormatException.
Object[][] data = new Object[numOfPayments +1][NO_OF_COLUMNS]; //Objects to be put into the table columns
double mPayment = (balance * ratePayment / tMonth) /
(1 - (Math.pow(1+ (ratePayment / tMonth), (-numOfPayments))));
double iPaid; // varible for interest paid
double tInterest = 0.0; // varible for total interest
double tPayment = 0.0; // varible for total payment
for (int i = 0; i < numOfPayments ; i++) { //Calculation and initializing of array
iPaid = balance * ratePayment / tMonth; //Calculation for interest paid in the array
tInterest = tInterest + iPaid; //Calculation for the total interest in the array
tPayment = tPayment + mPayment; //Calculation for the total payment in the array
balance = balance - mPayment + iPaid; //Calculation for the Balance
data[i][0] = ""+(i+1); //Adding to the array
data[i][1] = usFormat.format(mPayment); //Adding monthly payment data to the array
data[i][2] = usFormat.format(mPayment - iPaid); //Calculation and adition to the monthly payment data to the array
data[i][3] = usFormat.format(iPaid); //Adding interest paid data to the array
data[i][4] = usFormat.format(balance); //Adding balance data to the array
data[numOfPayments][0] = "Total Balance"; // Calculations for total balance of last row to the array
data[numOfPayments][1] = usFormat.format(tPayment); // Calculations for total payment of last row to the array
data[numOfPayments][2] = ""; // Calculations for the last row to the array
data[numOfPayments][3] = usFormat.format(tInterest); // Calculations for total interst of last row to the array
data[numOfPayments][4] = ""; // Calculations for the last row to the array
t = new JTable(data, cols); // Displays tables of cells
sPane.setViewportView(t); // Creates scroll bar
public void populatePane(Container cont) { //creates and populates the container(window) for the calculator
cont.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); //sets the layout for the container(window) for the calculator
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); //object constraint for grid(table)
//adds Loan Amount field
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 0; // column# 0
c.gridy = 0; // row# 0
c.insets = new Insets(8,10,5,8); // sizing and placement of the lable for the Loan payment
cont.add(new JLabel("Loan Amount:"), c); // add label to pane
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 1; // column# 1
c.gridy = 0; // row# 0
c.gridwidth = 2; // sizes the display area
loanAmount = new JFormattedTextField(""); // Formats the text field
cont.add(loanAmount, c); // sizing and placement of the lable for the Loan payment
// adds the textfield for the user to enter the loan amount
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 0; // column# 0
c.gridy = 1; // row# 1
c.gridwidth = 1; // display area occupies one column
cont.add(new JLabel("Interest Rate:"), c); // sizing and placement of the label for the ComboBox
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 1; // column# 1
c.gridy = 1; // row# 0
c.gridwidth = 2; // sizes the display area
interestRate = new JFormattedTextField(""); // Formats the text field
cont.add(interestRate, c); // sizing and placement of the lable for the Loan payment
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 0; // column# 0
c.gridy = 2; // row# 1
c.gridwidth = 1; // display area occupies one column
cont.add(new JLabel("Term of Loan:"), c); // sizing and placement of the label for the ComboBox
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 1; // column# 1
c.gridy = 2; // row# 0
c.gridwidth = 2; // sizes the display area
termLoan = new JFormattedTextField(""); // Formats the text field
cont.add(termLoan, c); // sizing and placement of the lable for the Loan payment
// adds the textfield for the user to enter the loan amount
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 0; // column# 0
c.gridy = 3; // row# 1
c.gridwidth = 1; // display area occupies one column
cont.add(new JLabel("Loan Amount with Interest:"), c); // sizing and placement of the label for the ComboBox
loanYears = new JComboBox(); // creates and places the combo box
loanYears.addItem("7 years at 5.35%"); // adds item to the combo box
loanYears.addItem("15 years at 5.5%"); // adds item to the combo box
loanYears.addItem("30 years at 5.75%"); // adds item to the combo box
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 1; // column# 1
c.gridy = 3; // row 1
c.gridwidth = 2; // make display area as wide as 2 columns
c.insets = new Insets(5,10,5,185); // external padding
cont.add(loanYears, c);
// creates and places the Calculate button
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 0; // column# 2
c.gridy = 4; // row# 2
c.weightx = 0.05; // set weight for 3rd column
c.gridwidth = 1; // display area occupies 1 column
c.insets = new Insets(5,10,0,20); // Places the button
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; // place the component to the left (within its display area)
JButton calcButton = new JButton("Calculate"); // Creates the calculate button
calcButton.setActionCommand("calculate"); // set action command for this button
calcButton.addActionListener(this); // listens for the action command for this button
cont.add(calcButton, c); // Adds the button to the grid
// creates and places the exit button
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 1; // column# 1
c.gridy = 4; // row# 2
c.gridwidth = 1; // display area 1 column
c.weightx = 0.95; // set weight for second column (bigger than third column)
c.insets = new Insets(5,5,0,200); // Places the button
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; // place the component to the left (within its display area)
JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit"); // Creates the exit button
exitButton.setActionCommand("exit"); // set action command for this button
exitButton.addActionListener(this); // listens for the action command for this button
cont.add(exitButton, c); // Adds the button to the grid
// add the table to the grid
sPane = new JScrollPane(); // create and add th scroll bar
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // placed the component horizontally within the display area
c.gridx = 0; // column# 0
c.gridy = 5; // row# 0
c.gridwidth = 3; // display area occupies 3 columns
c.insets = new Insets(5,10,10,10); // Places the button
// adding empty rows and columns for input to the table
Object[][] dummy = { {"","","","","",""} }; // adding rows to the table
t = new JTable(dummy, cols); // adding columns to the table
sPane.setViewportView(t); // setting viewier for the scroll bar to the table
cont.add(sPane, c); // adding scroll bar to the table
public void createAndShowGUI() { // Creating the GUI
JFrame f = new JFrame("McBride Mortgage Calculator"); // title for the GUI displayed
f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Default exit for the GUI
// Creating and placing of the components in the frame of the GUI
populatePane(f.getContentPane()); // populating the GUI with the ContentPane
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //using the action performed event to use the buttons
try { // the try (or throw)step in checking for NumberFormatException even with
// which option user selected for the calculation
int choice = loanYears.getSelectedIndex();
if ("calculate".equals(e.getActionCommand())) { // using the calculation button to calculate the loans
if (!loanAmount.getText().equals("#,##")){ // calculate when Loan amount is entered
lAmount = Double.parseDouble(loanAmount.getText());
if (!interestRate.getText().equals("#,##") & !!termLoan.getText().equals("#,##")){
lRate = Double.parseDouble(interestRate.getText()) / 100;
lTerm = Double.parseDouble(termLoan.getText());
interestRate = rate[choice];
termLoan = tYear[choice];
calculate(lAmount, lRate, lTerm);
else if ("clear".equals(e.getActionCommand())){
System.exit(0); // using the exit button with the Action performed event
catch(NumberFormatException event) { // the Catch step in checking for NumberFormatException event
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog // uses a command prompt to tellthe user to use a number without commas
(null, "Please enter the loan amount without commas", // this is the "result" of the Catch step of a NumberFormatException
"NumberFormatException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final DuttonWeek4 dw4 = new DuttonWeek4();
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { // makes the runs the javax.swing.SwingUtilities allowing the program to run
public void run() {
dw4.createAndShowGUI(); // makes the runs the createAndShowGUI
I just can't figure out how to make the double and int work together. I have read a ton of stuff so I am closer to figuring it out but am still a bit confused.
Note if you put my code in notepad instead of TextPad it turns it into a huge block of code. if this is a huge issue let me know and Ill take all the comments out. just haven't had a chance yet.