Hai everyone,
I have one doubt... Can u please clarify this...
If i put
char a[10]="hai-hello"


then it will displays an error
strcmp' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char' to 'const char *'

Wat is the reason for this?
Can anybody tell me

just look at the suntax of stcmp() and u will be able to understand.
int strcmp ( const char * str1, const char * str2 );

it take address of the char, not the char.

the function is strcmp. you are comparing a character and not a string.

You only need to go:

if( a[4] == '-') because the == operator can compare characters.
also in the string:
char a[10]="hai-hello"
it will return false because the - is at position a[3] not position a[4].

If you are using strcmp you can compare strings (notice double quotes).

K thanks for ur suggestion

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