Hey there, I'm having trouble getting my program to read the last instruction of the file, and so far, I haven't been able to figure out why. Any help would be appreciated.
/* The Simpletron Machine Language Program.
The purpose of this program is to simulate a primitive computer.
This program written in C++, a high-level language, will read and
execute the program instructions written in machine language from
an input file. Then, the program should display the registers and
the simulated computer memory.
/* The functions used in the program are:
void Instructions();
void DisplayMemory();
void LoadMemory();
void Execute();
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
// Input/Output operations
const int READ = 10; // Reads a variable and places it into a specific memory location.
const int WRITE = 11; // Writes a variable from a specific memory location into the terminal.
// Load/Store operations
const int LOAD = 20; // Loads a variable from a specific memory location into the accumulator.
const int STORE = 21; // Stores a variable from the accumulator into a specific memory location.
// Arithmetic operations
const int ADD = 30; // Adds a variable from a specific memory location to a variable in the accumulator.
const int SUBTRACT = 31; // Substracts a variable from a specific memory location from a variable in the accumulator.
const int DIVIDE = 32; // Divides a variable from a specific memory location into a variable in the accumulator.
const int MULTIPLY = 33; // Multiplies a variable from a specific memory location by a variable in the accumulator.
// Transfer of control operations
const int BRANCH = 40; // Branches to a specific memory location.
const int BRANCHNEG = 41; // Branches to a specific memory location if the accumulator is negative.
const int BRANCHZERO = 42; // Branches to a specific memory location if the accumulator is zero.
const int HALT = 43; // Indicates that the program terminated.
# define Msize 100
// Class Simpletron that holds data and operations.
class Simpletron{
// Data members
int accumulator; // Register that holds the results of the operations or data transfers.
int instructionCounter; // Records the number of instructions being performed.
int operationCode; // Indicates the operation that is being perfomed.
int operand; // Indicates the memory location of the current instruction operating.
int instructionRegister; // Executes the instructions to be performed from the memory.
int size;
int memory[Msize]; // Array in which the program is going to be loaded.
int Error;
// Function members
Simpletron(); // Inline function: default constructor.
void LoadMemory(); // Function that loads the program from the memory.
void DisplayMemory(); // Function that displays the program.
void Execute(); // Function that executes the program.
// Definition of the prototype of the Instructions function.
void Instructions(void);
// Default constructor.
// Initializes all private members of Simpletron class.
accumulator = 0;
instructionCounter = 0;
instructionRegister = 0;
operationCode = 0;
operand = 0;
size = 0;
Error = 0;
// main function starts.
int main(){
Simpletron mycomputer; // Defining an object for the class Simpletron.
Instructions(); // Displays a set of instructions.
mycomputer.LoadMemory(); // Loads each instruction from a file.
mycomputer.Execute(); // Executes each instruction in the program.
return 0;
} // End of the main function.
// Functions
// Instructions function
void Instructions(){
// Precondition/Postcondition: Displays the following message or instructions.
cout << "*** Welcome to Simpletron! ***" << endl;
cout << "*** Please enter your program one instruction ***" << endl;
cout << "*** (or data word) at a time. I will type the ***" << endl;
cout << "*** location number and a question mark (?). ***" << endl;
cout << "*** You then type the word for that location. ***" << endl;
cout << "*** Type the sentinel -99999 to stop entering ***" << endl;
cout << "*** your program. ***" << endl;
// DisplayMemory function
void Simpletron::DisplayMemory(){
// Precondition: This function receives the following variables.
ifstream MySimpletron; // To read the file named MySimpletron.
string file; // To store the name of the file.
system("cls") ; // To clear the screen after each instruction has been executed.
// The registers are displayed.
cout << "\n REGISTERS:" << endl;
cout << " accumulator : " << setfill('0') << right << setw(4) << accumulator << endl;
cout << " instruction Counter : " << setfill('0') << right << setw(2) << instructionCounter << endl;
cout << " instruction Register: " << setfill('0') << right << setw(4) << instructionRegister << endl;
cout << " operation code : " << setfill('0') << right << setw(2) << operationCode << endl;
cout << " operand : " << setfill('0') << right << setw(2) << operand << endl;
// The memory is displayed.
cout << "\n MEMORY: " << endl;
cout << setfill(' ') << setw(6) << "" << setw(3) << "0" << setw(6) << "1" << setw(6) << "2"
<< setw(6) << "3" << setw(6) << "4" << setw(6) << "5" << setw(6) << "6"
<< setw(6) << "7" << setw(6) << "8" << setw(6) << "9" << endl;
for (int w = 0; w < Msize; w+=10){
cout << w << " ";
for(int i = w; i < w + 10; i++){
if (i < size)
cout << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << memory[i] << " ";
else if (i >= size)
cout << "0000 ";
cout << endl;
// LoadMemory function
void Simpletron::LoadMemory(){
// Precondition: This function receives the following variables.
ifstream MySimpletron; // To read the file named MySimpletron.
string file; // To store the name of the file.
//Postcondition: This function loads the instructions from the file into the program.
cout << "\nEnter the name of the file: " << endl; // This indicates that it is ready for input.
cin >> file; // To input the name of the file.
MySimpletron.open(file.c_str(),ifstream::in); // To open the file.
if(MySimpletron.fail()){ // This indicates that the file was not able to open.
cout << "\nThe file was not able to be opened because it does not exist. " << endl;
cout << "\nThe instructions contained in the file " << file << " are the following: " << endl;
size = 0; // To clean the array when it opens the file again.
MySimpletron >> instructionRegister;
while (!MySimpletron.eof()){ // It keeps reading the file until it ends.
memory[size] = instructionRegister;
MySimpletron >> instructionRegister ;
cout << setfill('0') << setw(4) << memory[size] << " ";
cout << "\nThe information in the file has been read." << endl;
cout << "\n*** Program loading completed ***" << endl;
cout << "*** Program execution begins ***" << endl;
MySimpletron.close(); // To close the file.
system ("pause");
// Execute function
void Simpletron::Execute(){
/*Postcondition: The twelve different SML instructions are simulated.
The name and the contents of each register, and also the contents of the memory, are displayed. */
DisplayMemory(); // Calls the DisplayMemory function to displays each instruction in the program.
instructionRegister = memory[instructionCounter]; // Used to fetch the contents from the memory array.
operationCode = instructionRegister/100; // To extract the operation code from the instruction register.
operand = instructionRegister%100; // To extract the operand from the instruction register.
switch(operationCode){ // The different SML instructions are simulated among the twelve operations.
case READ: // Input operation.
cout << "\nEnter an integer: " << endl; // To indicate that the program is ready for input.
cin >> memory[operand]; // The input is read into location.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case WRITE: // Output operation.
cout << "Result: " << endl << memory[operand] << endl; // Write instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case LOAD: // Load operation.
accumulator = memory[operand]; // Load instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case STORE: // Store operation.
memory[operand] = accumulator; // Store instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case ADD: // Add operation.
accumulator += memory[operand]; // Addition instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case SUBTRACT: // Subtract operation.
accumulator -= memory[operand]; // Subtraction instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case MULTIPLY: // Multiply operation.
accumulator *= memory[operand]; // Multiplication instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case DIVIDE: // Divide operation.
if (memory[operand] == 0){ // If there is an attempt to divide by zero.
cout << "*** Attempt to divide by zero ****" << endl; // Displays this message.
cout << "*** Simpletron execution abnormally terminated ***" << endl; // Displays this message.
exit(1); // The program is abnormally terminated.
accumulator /= memory[operand]; // Division instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case BRANCH: // Branch operation.
instructionCounter = operand; // Unconditional branch instruction.
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case BRANCHNEG: // Branchneg operation.
if(accumulator < 0)
instructionCounter = operand; // Conditional branch instruction (if accumulator is negative).
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case BRANCHZERO: // Branchzero operation.
if(accumulator == 0)
instructionCounter = operand; // Conditional branch instruction (if accumulator is zero).
instructionCounter++; // To increment the instruction counter register.
case HALT: // Halt operation.
cout << "\n*** Simpletron execution terminated ***" << endl; // Displays that the program has terminated.
exit (0); // Program terminated.
default: // When an invalid instruction is read.
cout << "\nERROR: Invalid SML instruction -- Program terminating" << endl; //Displays an error message.
Error = 1;
exit (1); // Program terminated because of an invalid instruction.
system ("pause");
}while (operationCode != HALT && Error != 1);