Applicatin of Classes & Objects

`create an election 2010 program with the following details:

User Interface:
Design your own user interface for the ff modules/methods:

>User Leverl(admin & user)
for admin,can manipulate the whole part of the program
for user can only view voting part.

Assuming that there are 20 pre-registered voters in the program use array to store registered voters with the ff sample fields: VotersID,VotersName,Voted Yes/No(use boolean type).
The program can add new voters and must be validated if the voter is already registered or not.(make a prompt for this)

there are only two parties running for the election PArty A & Party B
each party should have candidates for President , V.President with five senatorial(use any candidate name)

the program must have an option if the voters will vote for individual candidates or he/she may choose straight vote(he/she will be choosing only one party)
the voters should only choose one candidate for President and V.President and five senatorial candidates(make a prompt if the voters selected more than five candidates)
the program must also validate if the voter already voted or not.

the program must have partial results(can still accept votes)

will display the final result of the election
there should be one winner for President one for V.President and five for senators

>>>Define all your instance variables/static variables,accessor methods,mutator methods,custom methods and constructors in a separate class.Then call it in an other class under the main method(or can also create user created method).

A Lot Of Thank for the one who can help me TY :))

You forgot to post your code and your questions about problems you are having with your code.

please create a code us for that problem. thank you...

im just a beginner i really don't have a code for this i'm asking for the whole code of this program TY

You have several ways to get the code:
Write it yourself
Google for it
Hire a programmer to write it for you.

Are you trying to learn how to program in java? If so, take the first option.
If you only want to pass the course, use the second or third option.

This assignment doesn't look like something you assign to a student that has been doing java for a few weeks. So I must assume that your teacher has told you everything you need to know in order to solve this. If you have never studied during the entire course that is your problem. We help only those who show effort.

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