anisjad 0 Newbie Poster

Dear All,
I am doing a windows based application for work using visual basic 2005. I am having difficulty using linklabels in richtextbox. I found a custom richtextbox which allows to insert link labels in richtextbox in . It works great with one exception, it does not accept other languages, specifically right-to-left languages. The custom RichTextboxNew class allows insertlink either one of the three methods:
Dim LnkTxt as string = “Click Here”
Dim Lnk_Hyperlink as string = “
RichTextBoxNew1.InsertLink (Lnk_Hyperlink) 'inserts the link into the new RTB

Dim Lnk_Hyperlink as string = “
Dim LinkPosition as integer = 20
RichTextBoxNew1.InsertLink (Lnk_Hyperlink, LinkPosition) 'inserts the link into the new RTB

Dim LnkTxt as string = “Click Here”
Dim Lnk_Hyperlink as string = “
RichTextBoxNew1.InsertLink (LnkTxt , Lnk_Hyperlink) 'inserts the link into the new RTB

The last method of the three is the preferred one in my application since I need to have the value of LnkTxt in a Arabic. However, it displays question marks ( “??????”) instead of the actual value.

The Link_Clicked sub works fine as supposed to using either one of the methods above.
Private Sub Link_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkClickedEventArgs) Handles RichTextBoxNew1.LinkClicked
Dim UrlLink = Split(e.LinkText, "#")
If UrlLink.Length > 1 Then System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("IEXPLORE.EXE", UrlLink(1))
End Sub 'Link_Clicked
Can anybody help? I wouldn’t mind a better or different solution.
Appreciate your help in advice.