i'm making a little application in vb.net and i need to use a data base. so i used some of my aspx functions and the same data base. the problem is that every time i run the application and do something that needs to get values from that db it gives this error: "error in FROM..."
i'm using this code:
Dim DBliga As OleDbConnection
Dim DBcomando As OleDbCommand
Dim DBdatareader As OleDbDataReader
Dim result
DBliga = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=I:\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\gestao financeira\gestao financeira\gefi.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;")
DBcomando = New OleDbCommand("select nome from user", DBliga)
DBdatareader = DBcomando.ExecuteReader()
If DBdatareader.Read Then
result = DBdatareader.Item(0)
seleccionar = result
End If
the table exists so i don´t know whats the problem...i'm guessing that i can't use access 2007..... does anyone knows whats the problem?