
I am trying to read values from a text file that has exactly 5 numbers in each line and all numbers are "tab" separated. numbers could be one digit or two digit.

I am reading it as :

if (map.is_open())
		int i = 0;
		int num;
		while (!map.eof())
			if (line == "")
				while (line >> map)
				cout << "Line is " << line << endl;;
				int pos1 = 0;
				Graph[i].value = GetIntValue(line.substr(pos1+1,pos1+1));
				pos1 = line.find("	");
				cout << "Graph[" << i << "] = " << Graph[i].value << endl;
//I need to make the reminder as my line now -- > this is killing me as I do not know //the length of line..

GetIntValue is a small function that takes in a string and returns a int.
basically I need to read each line(lines are exactly 5 in number), store in an array. each line has exactly 5 numbers.

any sort of help would be really appreciated!

Looks like you are doing it the hard way

int n1,n2,n3,n4,n5;

while( map >> n1 >> n2 >> n3 >>n4 >> n5 )
   // do something with these numbers
int val_arr[5][5];
int i=0;
while (file)
      string str;
      int j=0;
      while (getline( file, str, '\t' )) 
        var_array[i][j++] = ( atoi(str) );

//User val_array[][]
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