Anthony Ajax 0 Newbie Poster

I have to create a program that will read both of these files and print them to the Win32 Console. After it does this, I have to reread the file replacing every fifth word with 10 underscores. My code works correctly for the austin.txt file, but it counts the first five spaces of the cloze.txt file as the first word and replaces the fourth word and then every fifth word after that.

//the libraries used for the program
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    const string    UNDERSCORES = "__________"; //constant
    string            fileName;                    //to be able entered by user

    int                wordCount = 1;                //starting word count

    char            ch,
                    previousLetter;                //used in printing the file
    cout << "Please enter a file name: ";        //Prompt user for a file name
    cin  >> fileName;                            //input the file name
    ifstream inFile; ;                        //attempt to open the file

    while(!inFile) //loop to allow the entry of file name after invalid entry
        cout << "Error: Not a valid file name. \n"  // invalid entry occurs
                                                    // message is printed
             << "Please enter a valid file name: "; // reprompt user for file
        inFile.clear();            // clears the file

        cin >> fileName;        // user reenters a file name;  //program opens file


    cout << "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n"  
         << "ECHOPRINTED TEXT \n" 
         << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n" << endl;

    inFile.get(ch); //read pointer finds character

    cout << ch;        //character is printed to screen

    while(inFile)    //loops to print every character until end of file

        cout << ch;


    cout << "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n"  
         << "CLOZE TEST VERSION OF TEXT \n" 
         << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n" << endl;

    // reset read pointer to very beginning of file
    inFile.seekg(0L, ios::beg);

    cout << ch;

    while (inFile)
        previousLetter = ch;

        if((isalpha(ch)) && (!isalpha(previousLetter)))

            if(wordCount == 5)
                cout << UNDERSCORES;

                previousLetter = ch;
                while(isalpha(ch) && isalpha(previousLetter))

                    previousLetter = ch;

                wordCount = 0;

                cout << ch;

                cout << ch;

            cout << ch;

    cout << "\n\n<<<  Finished program execution successfully  >>>\n\n";

    return 0;