
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Exception
	string errMsg;
	Exception(const string& err)
	{ errMsg = err; }

class InvalidPositionException : public Exception 
	InvalidPositionException(const string& err) : Exception(err){}
class EmptyException : public Exception
	EmptyException(const string& err) : Exception(err){}

template <typename Object> 

class SinglyList

	struct Node
		Object element; 
		Node *next; 
		Node(const Object &e=Object(), Node *n = NULL):element(e),next(n)
	typedef Node* NodePtr;

	class Position
		NodePtr node;
		Position(NodePtr n=NULL)
		{node = n;}
		Object &element() const throw(InvalidPositionException)
			if(node==NULL) throw InvalidPositionException("Null position");
			return node->element;
		bool isNull()const
		{return node==NULL;}
		friend class SinglyList<Object>;
	NodePtr nodePtr(const Position &p) const throw(InvalidPositionException)
		if(p.node==NULL) throw InvalidPositionException("Attempt to use null position");
		else return p.node;

	NodePtr head; 
	NodePtr tail; 
	int sz; 

	{head = tail = NULL; sz = 0;}
	int size() const
	{return sz;}
	bool isEmpty() const 
	{return sz==0;}
	Position insertLast(const Object &e)
		NodePtr v=new Node(e,NULL);
		tail->next = v; tail = v; 
			head = tail; 
		return Position(tail);
	Position insertFirst(const Object &e)
		NodePtr v= new Node(e,head);
		head = v; 
			tail = head; 
		return Position(head);
	void remove(const Position &p) throw(InvalidPositionException) 
		NodePtr v=nodePtr(p),t=head;
		if(!v) throw InvalidPositionException("NULL position");
		if(v == head)
			head = v->next; 
			if(tail == v)
				tail = v->next; 
				t->next = v->next; 
				if(t->next == NULL)
				{	tail = t;} 
			t = t->next;
		delete v;
	void print_list()// 출력함수
		NodePtr printNode = head;
		while(printNode != NULL)
			cout << printNode->element << "    ";
			printNode = printNode->next; 
	Position before(const Position& p) const throw(InvalidPositionException) 
		NodePtr v = nodePtr(p), t=head;
			throw InvalidPositionException("Advance past beginning of list");
			t = t->next;
		return Position(t);
	Position after(const Position& p) const throw(InvalidPositionException)
		NodePtr v = nodePtr(p), next = v->next;
			throw InvalidPositionException("Advance past ending of list");
		return Position(next);
	void replaceElement(const Position& p, const Object& e) throw(InvalidPositionException)
		NodePtr v = nodePtr(p); 
		v->element = e; 
	void swapElements(const Position& p,const Position& q) throw(InvalidPositionException)
		NodePtr v=nodePtr(p);
		NodePtr t=nodePtr(q);
		Object temp;
		temp= t->element;
		t->element = v->element;
		v->element = temp;//swap
	Position insertBefore(const Position& p, const Object &e) throw(InvalidPositionException)
		NodePtr v = nodePtr(p), t=head;
		if(v != t) 
		while(v != t->next)
			t = t->next;
		NodePtr newNode = new Node(e,v);
		t->next = newNode;
		return Position(newNode);
	Position insertAfter(const Position& p, const Object &e) throw(InvalidPositionException)
		NodePtr v = nodePtr(p), next = v->next; 
		NodePtr newNode = new Node(e,next);
		v->next = newNode;
		return Position(newNode); 

	Position first() const throw(EmptyException)
		if(isEmpty()) throw EmptyException("Empty list!");
		return Position(head);
	Position last() const throw(EmptyException)
		if(isEmpty()) throw EmptyException("Empty list");
		return Position(tail);





template <typename Object>

class Tstack

	SinglyList<Object> S; 

	void push(const Object e)

	Object pop() 
		SinglyList<Object>::Position v = S.first(); 
		Object t; 
		t = v.element(); 
		return t; 

	Object top() 
		SinglyList<Object>::Position v = S.first(); 
		return v.element(); 

	int stack_size()
		return S.size(); 



template <typename Object>

class Tqueue

	SinglyList<Object> S;

	void Enqueue(const Object e) 

	Object Dequeue() 
		SinglyList<Object>::Position v = S.last();
		Object t;
		t = v.element(); 
		return t;

	Object Front() 
		SinglyList<Object>::Position v = S.last();
		return v.element();

	int queue_size()
		return S.size(); 


#include <iomanip>
#include "SinglyList.h" 
#include "Tstack.h"		
#include "Tqueue.h"		

int select_type();		
void type_int();		
void type_double();		
void type_char();		

void main()
	int sw;
	sw = select_type();
	switch (sw)
	case 1:
	case 2:

	case 3:


//function body

//type select
int select_type()
	int x;
	cout << "select struct type (1: int, 2: double, 3: char - )";
	cin >> x;
	return x;

void type_int()
	// template class
	Tstack<int> test;
	int i, n, x;
	cout << "\n---- stack ----" << endl;
	cout << "input the number of value : ";
	cin >> n;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		cout << "input the integer type value : ";
		cin >> x;
	cout << "\nsize of stack : " << test.stack_size() << endl; 

	cout << "Top of stack : " << << endl;	

	cout << "\npop the element from stack" << endl;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		cout << setw(4) << test.pop();	
	cout << endl;
	Tqueue<int> temp;
	cout << "\n---- queue ----" << endl;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		cout << "input the integer type value : ";
		cin >> x;
	cout << "\nsize of queue : " << temp.queue_size() << endl;	

	cout << "front of queue : " << temp.Front() << endl;	
	cout << "\ndequeue the element from queue" << endl;		
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		cout << setw(4) << temp.Dequeue();
	cout << endl;

void type_double()
	Tstack<double> test;
	int i;
	double x;
	cout << "\n---- stack ----" << endl;
	for (i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << "input the double type value : ";
		cin >> x;
	cout << "\npop the element from stack" << endl;
	for (i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << setw(8) << test.pop();
	cout << "\n---- queue ----" << endl;	
	Tqueue<double> temp;
	for(i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << "input the double type value : ";
		cin >> x;
	cout << "\ndequeue the element from queue" << endl;
	for(i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << setw(8) << temp.Dequeue();
	cout << endl;

void type_char()
	Tstack<char> test;
	int i;
	char x;
	cout << "\n---- stack ----" << endl;
	for (i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << "input the char type value : ";
		cin >> x;
	cout << "\npop the element from stack" << endl;
	for (i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << setw(4) << test.pop();
	cout << "\n---- queue ----" << endl;	
	Tqueue<char> temp;
	for(i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << "input the char type value : ";
		cin >> x;
	cout << "\ndequeue the element from queue" << endl;
	for(i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
		cout << setw(4) << temp.Dequeue();
	cout << endl;
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::pop()’:
Tstack.h:20: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
Tstack.h:22: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::top()’:
Tstack.h:29: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
Tstack.h:30: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Dequeue()’:
Tqueue.h:20: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
Tqueue.h:22: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Front()’:
Tqueue.h:29: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
Tqueue.h:30: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
In file included from main.cpp:3:
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::pop()’:
Tstack.h:20: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
In file included from main.cpp:3:
Tstack.h:22: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::top()’:
Tstack.h:29: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
Tstack.h:30: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
In file included from main.cpp:4:
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Dequeue()’:
Tqueue.h:20: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
In file included from main.cpp:4:
Tqueue.h:22: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Front()’:
Tqueue.h:29: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘v’
Tqueue.h:30: error: ‘v’ was not declared in this scope
In file included from main.cpp:3:
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::top() [with Object = int]’:
main.cpp:64:   instantiated from here
Tstack.h:29: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tstack.h:29: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant
In file included from main.cpp:3:
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::pop() [with Object = int]’:
main.cpp:69:   instantiated from here
Tstack.h:20: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tstack.h:20: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant
In file included from main.cpp:4:
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Front() [with Object = int]’:
main.cpp:85:   instantiated from here
Tqueue.h:29: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tqueue.h:29: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant
In file included from main.cpp:4:
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Dequeue() [with Object = int]’:
main.cpp:90:   instantiated from here
Tqueue.h:20: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tqueue.h:20: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant
In file included from main.cpp:3:
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::pop() [with Object = double]’:
main.cpp:112:   instantiated from here
Tstack.h:20: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tstack.h:20: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant
In file included from main.cpp:4:
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Dequeue() [with Object = double]’:
main.cpp:127:   instantiated from here
Tqueue.h:20: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tqueue.h:20: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant
In file included from main.cpp:3:
Tstack.h: In member function ‘Object Tstack<Object>::pop() [with Object = char]’:
main.cpp:149:   instantiated from here
Tstack.h:20: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tstack.h:20: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant
In file included from main.cpp:4:
Tqueue.h: In member function ‘Object Tqueue<Object>::Dequeue() [with Object = char]’:
main.cpp:164:   instantiated from here
Tqueue.h:20: error: dependent-name ‘SinglyList::Position’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
Tqueue.h:20: note: say ‘typename SinglyList::Position’ if a type is meant

This code is Stack and Queue using SinglyList class
it works well in visual c++
but does not work in linux(Ubunto)
i entered "g++ -o main SinglyList.h Tstack.h Tqueue.h main.cpp
I have tried to find error point.
but I don't know.
linux is difficult to me.
what can i do for sucessfull program?
tell me. T^T

Ok, first off, I REALLY hope this doesn't compile on VC++ because if it does then VC++ is adding a bracket
In addition to not compiling to the standard.

So what did you do wrong:

You missed a } at the end of insertAfter in SinglyList.h.

[The clue is that all the errors are in the same object, regardless of the fact that they should be in different ones]

Second: You are required to change to this

typename SinglyList<Object>::Position v = S.first();

The standard say that this causes the name to be treated as a type, and it also says that without the typename, it is treated as a non-type EVEN if this leads to a syntax error.

Thus add the typename directive. [You have about 4 places to do that, I think]

thanks! thank you, StuXYZ!
you're genius and good programer.
it works well.
thank you for your advices!

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