Hello Forum members,

Have a nice day.

I have to write a script for the following below scenario.
There are 3 applications located in home directory(ie xyz/app) which havae multiple directories and files of diff format(.sh,log,other formats).
1: I have to find the hardcoded IP_ADD 's which are loacted in these three applicatins and assign with respective domain names
Case 2:get an IP_ADD from the text file and check in all three applications and repalce with domain name.

Please suggest me a how to write a script for the above scenario.Its urgent ,I am looking forward from you.:)

Thanks in advance.
Siva Ranganath Ch

Please supply examples of the input you have and the output you expect.

1:I have to write a script to find the IP_add are present in the 3 different applications (3 directories.)are mentioned below
1: /liber/gcst/mms
The Ip_add are hardedcoded so i have to find these IP_ADD which exsist in different files under above 3 dirs and write into a text file.
after writing into the text file I have to initialize them with respective domain names from the command prompt ie i have the list of domain names and i will enter manually in the text file.
I will fetch one IP_Add from the text file and comapre with all files present in the
these applications and replace with domain name.
So please let me know do you any more concerns.

1:I have to write a script to find the IP_add are present in the 3 different applications (3 directories.)are mentioned below
1: /liber/gcst/mms
The Ip_add are hardedcoded so i have to find these IP_ADD which exsist in different files under above 3 dirs and write into a text file.

What do the files contain? Please provide a specific example.

after writing into the text file I have to initialize them with respective domain names from the command prompt ie i have the list of domain names and i will enter manually in the text file.

What do you mean by "initialize"?

I will fetch one IP_Add from the text file and comapre with all files present in the these applications and replace with domain name.
So please let me know do you any more concerns.

What applications? Are you talking about applications or files?

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