void selectsort(int*,int*);//function prototype
int *smallest(int*,int*);//function prototype
void exchange(int*,int*);//function prototype
void printlist(int*,int*);//function prototype

using namespace std;
void main()
//this will ask the user to give five integers inside the array and will display it
	int *name;
	const int size=5;
	int size2=5;
	name = &size2;
	int ary[size];
	int *plast;
	 plast = ary + size - 1;
	int *pwalk;

	for(pwalk = ary; pwalk <= plast; pwalk++)//this will create a array with integers the users adds
		cout<<"please enter an integer:"<<endl;


	void selectsort(int *ary,int *size)
		int small_number;
		int pass;
		for(pass = 0; pass <= *size - 1; pass++)// a loop that will go to each number in the array
			 small_number = pass;// predicting that this is smallest 

	int *smallest(int *ary,int *size)
		int small_number;
		int pass;

		for(int j = pass + 1; j < *size; j++)
			if(ary[j] < ary[small_number])// this will check if the p is less the small number and if not then it will exchange
			small_number = j; // this will be used for a exchange if the if statement is false
		return small_number;
	void exchange(int *ary,int *size)
		int small_number;
		int pass;
		int temp = ary[pass];
		ary[pass] = ary[small_number];
		ary[small_number] = temp;
	void printlist(int *ary, int *size)
		int *pwalk;
		int *plast;
		for(pwalk = ary; pwalk <= plast; pwalk++)// this will display the array

There are litterally hundreds of examples all over the net. All you have to do is use google to find them. Here is one example.

that is a very good example that you have shown me. However the problem is that i have to use pointers inside my program that i'm not very familiar with

The algorithm just says :

//Input Array[0..n-1] unsorted
//Output Array[0..n-1] sorted

for i ranging from 0 to n-2
    min = i;
    for j ranging from i+1 to n-1
        if Arr[j] < Arr[min]
             min = j;
    Swap( Arr[i] , Arr[min] )

You can implement the above algorithm of selection sort in any way you want using variables or pointers .

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