I'm trying to create a simple GUI application (VB Desktop) that will allow me to modify an XML file's nodes which contains the program settings and table definitions for an application.
The GUI application's datagridview contains three columns: colA, colB, colC. ColA should be the direct value from an XML Node. ColB and ColC are values retrieved from XML but should be expressed as a selected value from a drop down list embedded into the column for each row of the datagridview.
I loop through the retrieved values from XML to create a datatable containing the values. I then assign that datatable as the datasource for the datagridview. HOW do I assign the values in the DATATABLE to a pre-defined column as a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn already in the DataGridView created in the Visual Studio gui via "edit columns." When I use the datatable the columns are bound in but I don't know how to attack the combo-box(DDL) issue.
Code Info:
0.Column Name
1.Column DataType
'The code below assigns the retrieved XML node values into a datatable
'which is assigned as the datasource for a datagridview
Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable()
Dim column As DataColumn
Dim row As DataRow
'This container has all the nodes needed for evaluation
'The child nodes are column names which contain 3 elements
'Column Name, DBType, Routine
Dim my_Container = xDoc.Descendants("TABLES").Descendants("Table_Name").Elements
For i = 0 To my_Container.Count - 1
'Column Name
row = table.NewRow
row("Column Name") = my_Container.ElementAt(i).Descendants.ElementAt(0).Value
row = table.NewRow
row("SQLDB Type") = my_Container.ElementAt(i).Descendants.ElementAt(1).Value
'Routine Code
row = table.NewRow
row("Column Name") = my_Container.ElementAt(i).Descendants.ElementAt(2).Value
'Add the completed row to the table
'assign the created table as the datagridview's data source
Me.gvData.DataSource = table
Desired DataGridview:
Column Name||||||||||||||| SQLDbType||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Routine|||||||||
Column 1 |||||||||COMBOBOX: SqlDbType.VarChar||||||||COMBOBOX: VALUE (V)||||
Column 2||||||||||COMBOBOX: SqlDbType.Image||||||||||COMBOBOX: DATE_TIME (V)
Column 3||||||||||COMBOBOX: SqlDbType.SmallInt|||||||COMBOBOX: IGNORE (V)|||
XML Layout:
Scrambled Connection String
<USER UID="0">
<USER UID="1">