I have the code below and I get everything except the bonus in the output. I tried it a few different ways and the bonus never comes out right after the staff and sales.
#get user input for sales bonuses and make calculations
#print headers
print" Sales Tracking Program"
#sales person values
saleval = []
stafflist = []
bonuslist = []
bonuslist = saleval
bonus = 0
#get the name of the salesperson
#for guy in stafflist:
#get the sales for calculations change range to add a person
for i in range(0,3,1):
staff = str(raw_input('Enter staff member Name: '))
sales = int(raw_input('How much is the sale? '))
stafflist.append (staff)
i += 1
for sales in bonuslist:
if sales < 0:
print"The negative number ended the user input."
if sales > 221:
bonus += 200 + 25
if 176 < sales < 220:
bonus += 200 + 20
if 101 < sales < 175:
bonus += 200 + 15
print bonus
elif 0 < sales < 100:
bonus += 200 + 10
print'Monthly Sales List $',saleval
i = 0
for e in stafflist:
print "Sales Person",e, " Sales ",saleval[i],bonuslist[b]
i += 1
print 'Total monthly sales are $', sum(saleval)