The red is where the problem is:
Thanks for the help.
// The "ChoseYourStory" class.
import java.awt.*;
import hsa.Console;
public class ChoseYourStory
static Console c; // The output console
public static void main (String[] args)
c = new Console ();
int move;
String start = ("yes");
int envelope;
String answer;
// assignment 1
while (start.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("A high ranking thug comes walking towards you. He is dressed in dark brown pants");
c.println ("and a black hoodie. His hoodie is barely covering the ancient scars on his face.");
c.println ("He is wearing old shoes and his bid toe is poking out of the hole in the ");
c.println ("front. he approaches you calmly. He says, \" I have another assignment for you.\" ");
String assignment;
c.println ();
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you take the assignment? (yes/no) ");
assignment = c.readLine ();
if (assignment.equals ("yes"))
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ();
c.print ("He pulls out 3 envelopes and says \"Choose one\""); // chose envelope
c.println ();
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Chose which envelope you want (1, 2 or 3)");
envelope = c.readInt (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (envelope == 1)
{ // opens envelope 1
c.println ("You take envelope 1 and open it. It reads, You have selected envelope 1.");
c.println ("You know the drill by now");
c.println ();
c.println ("Destination: Ottawa");
c.println ("Time: 13:00");
c.println ();
c.println ("Your plane ticket has been included in the envelope. Good luck."); // prints envelope 1
c.println ("There is no turning back now!");
c.println ();
c.println ("A couple minutes later you are driving towards the airport."); // airport
c.println ("You arrive a few minutes later. While going through security you");
c.println ("happen to set off the metal detector. The officer asks \"do you have anything ");
c.println ("metal on you?\"");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("You answer: (type 'yes'for yes, 'no' for no and 'run' to run away)");
//String answer;
answer = c.readLine (); // gets answer from user
if (answer.equals ("yes"))
{ // read yes if answer yes
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("You hand over your watch to the officer. He prompts you to go through the ");
c.println ("detector again. You go through the machine and it beeps again. The officer ");
c.println ("searches you and finds nothing. After your time with the officer you board ");
c.println ("the plane. The plane takes off. \" Seven hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You slowly drift off into a deep sleep. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You wake up 7 hours later. The speaker announces that the plane will "); // on plane
c.println ("be landing immediately. You sit back in your seat and wait to land");
c.println ("Slowly you get off the plane and go to your hotel.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You notice that people are looking at you suspiciously. You ignore them");
c.println ("and continue running. by the time you get to your destination it is raining.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you want to set up a shelter? (yes/no)"); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
String shelter;
shelter = c.readLine (); // gets answer
if (shelter.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("You set up your shelter. By this time you need to hurry up.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1, 2 or 3 to select which item you grab."); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
int item = c.readInt (); // gets answer
if (item == 1)
{ // wep 1
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you try to fire your orange at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The police immediately come and arrest you for ");
c.println ("attemped murder. You spend the rest of your days in a misserable");
c.println ("jail.");
else if (item == 2)
{ // wep 2
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and fire your flamethrower at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The appartment immediately catches on fire. ");
c.println ("You try to doust the flames but the shelter you set up protects");
c.println ("the flames from the rain. You burn to death on that day, never ");
c.println ("to be seen again.");
else if (item == 3)
{ //wep 3
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and before you even shot Stephen ");
c.println ("Harper falls to the ground. You are wondering what just happened.");
c.println ("Yuou see the medics come in and you hear them announce that he had");
c.println ("a heart attack and died, they tell you that it was because off all");
c.println ("of the McDonalds fries that he had. You accomplished your mission.");
else if (shelter.equals ("no"))
{ // reads no if answer no
c.println ("You decide not to set up a shelter. You are soaking wet. Your clothes");
c.println ("weigh you down. you need to chose your weapon quickly.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you choose the small (small), medium (med), or the largest (large) weapon?"); // asks user a question
String wep = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (wep.equals ("small"))
{ // compares user answer to given requirement
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your pistol at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. All the other politicians thought that he deserved it for being");
c.println ("on his blackberry. They call off the police search and you live to kill");
c.println ("another day.");
if (wep.equals ("med"))
{ // compares user answer to given requirement
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your sniper at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. Everyone wonders what happened to him, but really no one cares.");
c.println ("They decide the world has been rid of one evil and they are greatful.");
c.println ("The assassin is considered a great hero until his karma turned against him.");
if (wep.equals ("large"))
{ // compares user answer to given requirement
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your rocket at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The parlament explodes. You are featured on America's ");
c.println ("Most Wanted and you spend the rest of your life in a sewer living off the");
c.println ("rats until disease takes your life.");
else if (answer.equals ("no"))
{ // plane //no reads if answer is no
c.println ("The officer ");
c.println ("searches you and finds nothing. After your time with the officer you board ");
c.println ("the plane. The plane takes off. \" Seven hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You slowly drift off into a deep sleep. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You wake up 7 hours later. The speaker announces that the plane will ");
c.println ("be landing immediately. You sit back in your seat and wait to land");
c.println ("Slowly you get off the plane and go to your hotel.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You notice that people are looking at you suspiciously. You ignore them");
c.println ("and continue running. by the time you get to your destination it is raining.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you want to set up a shelter? (yes/no)"); // aksk user a question
c.setTextColor (;
String shelter;
shelter = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (shelter.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("You set up your shelter. By this time you need to hurry up.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1, 2 or 3 to select which item you grab."); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
int item = c.readInt (); // gets user input
if (item == 1)
{ // item 1
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you try to fire your orange at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The police immediately come and arrest you for ");
c.println ("attemped murder. You spend the rest of your days in a misserable");
c.println ("jail.");
else if (item == 2)
{ // item 2
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and fire your flamethrower at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The appartment immediately catches on fire. ");
c.println ("You try to doust the flames but the shelter you set up protects");
c.println ("the flames from the rain. You burn to death on that day, never ");
c.println ("to be seen again.");
else if (item == 3)
{ // item 3
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and before you even shot Stephen ");
c.println ("Harper falls to the ground. You are wondering what just happened.");
c.println ("You see the medics come in and you hear them announce that he had");
c.println ("a heart attack and died, they tell you that it was because off all");
c.println ("of the McDonalds fries that he had. You accomplished your mission.");
else if (shelter.equals ("no"))
{ // no shelter
c.println ("You decide not to set up a shelter. You are soaking wet. Your clothes");
c.println ("weigh you down. you need to chose your weapon quickly.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you choose the small (small), medium (med), or the largest (large) weapon?"); // asks user a question
String wep = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (wep.equals ("small"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your pistol at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. All the other politicians thought that he deserved it for being");
c.println ("on his blackberry. They call off the police search and you live to kill");
c.println ("another day.");
if (wep.equals ("med"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your sniper at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. Everyone wonders what happened to him, but really no one cares.");
c.println ("They decide the world has been rid of one evil and they are greatful.");
c.println ("The assassin is considered a great hero until his karma turned against him.");
if (wep.equals ("large"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your rocket at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The parlament explodes. You are featured on America's ");
c.println ("Most Wanted and you spend the rest of your life in a sewer living off the");
c.println ("rats until disease takes your life.");
else if (answer.equals ("run"))
{ // run from cops
c.println ("You start to run. The cops immediately chase you down and arrest you.");
c.println ("You are tortured until you speak.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you speak? (yes/no) "); // asks user a question
String speak = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (speak.equals ("yes"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You tell the cops everything. You tell them you're a ninja going to kill");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. They dont believe you but they arrest you anyway for ");
c.println ("safety purposes");
else if (speak.equals ("no"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You do not budge. The cops torture you. They rip off parts of your body.");
c.println ("You still dont speak. They torture you until you die. You will never be remembered.");
c.println ("The cops and government cover up the whole story.");
// second assisnment
else if (envelope == 2)
c.println ("You take envelope 2 and open it. It reads, You have selected envelope 1.");
c.println ("You know the drill by now");
c.println ();
c.println ("Destination: Ontario");
c.println ("Time: 10:30");
c.println ();
c.println ("Your plane ticket has been included in the envelope. Good luck.");
c.println ("There is no turning back now!");
c.println ();
c.println ("A couple minutes later you are driving towards the airport.");
c.println ("You arrive a few minutes later. While going through security you");
c.println ("happen to set off the metal detector. The officer asks \"do you have anything ");
c.println ("metal on you?\"");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("You answer: (type 'yes'for yes, 'no' for no and 'run' to run away)");
//String answer;
answer = c.readLine ();
if (answer.equals ("yes"))
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("You hand over a sowing kit to the officer. He prompts you to go through the ");
c.println ("detector again. You go through the machine and it does not beep. ");
c.println ("After going through security you get on the plane. ");
c.println ("The plane takes off. \" six and a half hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You carefully plan out the events to come. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("6 1/2 hours later all the plans are perfected. The speaker announces that the plane will ");
c.println ("be landing immediately and that the weather is hot and dry. You sit back in your seat ");
c.println ("and wait to land. Slowly you get off the plane and go a small place to eat.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You quickly run across the road jump over a couple of cars and creep into the building.");
c.println ("You climb up the stairs. Good! The door is open.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1, 2 or 3 to select which item you grab.");
c.setTextColor (;
int item = c.readInt ();
if (item == 1)
c.println ("You grab a fork out of your bag. You turn the corner and throw the fork");
c.println ("into the classroom. It hits Jordan Lemcke in the back of the head. ");
c.println ("The supply teacher who sees the fork in his head quickly runs over and rips");
c.println ("the fork out. Jordan by now has massive blood loss and dies of it.");
c.println ("The supply teacher takes the blame for not being able to control his");
c.println ("anger. The School Board realizes that he did not have first aid training ");
c.println ("and they fire him.");
else if (item == 2)
c.println ("You grab the first two big things that you can find.");
c.println ("You look in the door, pull the bow back and fire the arrow. ");
c.println ("it soars through the air and sticks into the wall above your targets head.");
c.println ("the teacher sreams for help and calls the police. They come and arrest you.");
c.println ("You spend the rest of your days in a jail.");
else if (item == 3)
c.println ("You take out the smallest but one of the best things from your bag.");
c.println ("You put the blowdart to your mouth. You turn the corner and fire the dart.");
c.println ("The small dart tipped in posion flies through the air. Unfortunately the fan");
c.println ("was on it is blew the dart over a bit. Instead of hitting Jordan you hit the ");
c.println ("person two to the right of him. Nik drops on the floor dead and you run away.");
else if (answer.equals ("no"))
c.println ("After going through security you get on the plane. ");
c.println ("The plane takes off. \" six and a half hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You carefully plan out the events to come. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("6 1/2 hours later all the plans are perfected. The speaker announces that the plane will ");
c.println ("be landing immediately and that the weather is hot and dry. You sit back in your seat ");
c.println ("and wait to land. Slowly you get off the plane and go a small place to eat.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You quickly run across the road jump over a couple of cars and creep into the building.");
c.println ("You climb up the stairs. Good! The door is open.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
String wep = c.readLine ();
c.setTextColor (;
if (wep.equals ("small"))
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your pistol at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. All the other politicians thought that he deserved it for being");
c.println ("on his blackberry. They call off the police search and you live to kill");
c.println ("another day.");
if (wep.equals ("med"))
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your sniper at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. Everyone wonders what happened to him, but really no one cares.");
c.println ("They decide the world has been rid of one evil and they are greatful.");
c.println ("The assassin is considered a great hero until his karma turned against him.");
if (wep.equals ("large"))
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your rocket at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The parlament explodes. You are featured on America's ");
c.println ("Most Wanted and you spend the rest of your life in a sewer living off the");
c.println ("rats until disease takes your life.");
else if (answer.equals ("run"))
c.println ("You start to run. The cops immediately chase you down and arrest you.");
c.println ("You are tortured until you speak.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you speak? (yes/no) ");
String speak = c.readLine ();
c.setTextColor (;
if (speak.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("You tell the cops everything. You tell them you're a ninja going to kill");
c.println ("Jordan Lemcke. They dont believe you but they arrest you anyway for ");
c.println ("safety purposes");
else if (speak.equals ("no"))
c.println ("You do not budge. The cops torture you. They rip off parts of your body.");
c.println ("You still dont speak. They torture you until you die. You will never be ");
c.println ("remembered. The cops and government cover up the whole story.");
// third assignment
else if (envelope == 3)
c.println ("You take envelope 1 and open it. It reads, You have selected envelope 1.");
c.println ("You know the drill by now");
c.println ();
c.println ("Destination: Home");
c.println ("Time: 10:00");
c.println ();
c.println ("Good luck."); // prints envelope 1
c.println ("There is no turning back now!");
c.println ();
c.println ("You drive to a famous sushi bar. you are carrying a lightly packed bag.");
c.println ("You are dressed in dark clothes.");
c.println ("You get out of the car. Someone is blocking your way. ");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you go around them (round) or push them (push) out of the way?");
c.setTextColor (;
answer = c.readLine ();
if (answer.equals ("round"))
{ // read yes if answer yes
c.print ("you speed around the person. You get to the sushi bar in time.");
c.println ("You see your target."); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1 to go in stealth, 2 to go in ninja or 3 to use your skills.");
move = c.readInt (); // gets answer
if (move == 1)
c.println ("You sneak in behind George bush and kill him. No one notices until");
c.println ("he doesn't answer when they ask him if he died.");
c.println ("You live your life happily knowing that you helped the world.");
else if (move == 2)
{ // reads no if answer no
c.println ("You have decided to go in ninja. You try to kill George Bush");
c.println ("but his body guard spot you. You try to run away but the sumo's");
c.println ("block your escape. His bodyguars tackle you and send you to jail.");
c.println ("You lay in your cold cell for the rest of your days.");
else if (move == 3)
c.println ("You send an electrical shockwave through the air. George Bush");
c.println ("has a massive heart attack. no one knows who caused it. You get away");
c.println ("safely.");
else if (answer.equals ("push"))
{ // plane //no reads if answer is no
c.print ("You push the person out off your way. He has anger management and beats");
c.println ("you up. you spend the rest of your days in the hospital.");
else if (assignment.equals ("no"))
{ // this is where the orror occurs aparently I need to insert another } but the 2 red brackets line up and close each other
String ynassignment;
c.println ("He pulls out a gun and says \"Take the assignment or die.\" ");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("");
c.println ("Do you take the assignment? (y/n)");
ynassignment = c.readLine ();
c.setTextColor (;
if (ynassignment.equals ("y"))
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ();
c.print ("He pulls out 3 envelopes and says \"Choose one\""); // chose envelope
c.println ();
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Chose which envelope you want (1, 2 or 3)");
envelope = c.readInt (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
// assignment 1
while (start.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("A high ranking thug comes walking towards you. He is dressed in dark brown pants");
c.println ("and a black hoodie. His hoodie is barely covering the ancient scars on his face.");
c.println ("He is wearing old shoes and his bid toe is poking out of the hole in the ");
c.println ("front. he approaches you calmly. He says, \" I have another assignment for you.\" ");
c.println ();
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you take the assignment? (yes/no) ");
assignment = c.readLine ();
if (assignment.equals ("yes"))
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ();
c.print ("He pulls out 3 envelopes and says \"Choose one\""); // chose envelope
//int envelope;
c.println ();
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Chose which envelope you want (1, 2 or 3)");
envelope = c.readInt (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (envelope == 1)
{ // opens envelope 1
c.println ("You take envelope 1 and open it. It reads, You have selected envelope 1.");
c.println ("You know the drill by now");
c.println ();
c.println ("Destination: Ottawa");
c.println ("Time: 13:00");
c.println ();
c.println ("Your plane ticket has been included in the envelope. Good luck."); // prints envelope 1
c.println ("There is no turning back now!");
c.println ();
c.println ("A couple minutes later you are driving towards the airport."); // airport
c.println ("You arrive a few minutes later. While going through security you");
c.println ("happen to set off the metal detector. The officer asks \"do you have anything ");
c.println ("metal on you?\"");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("You answer: (type 'yes'for yes, 'no' for no and 'run' to run away)");
// String answer;
answer = c.readLine (); // gets answer from user
if (answer.equals ("yes"))
{ // read yes if answer yes
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("You hand over your watch to the officer. He prompts you to go through the ");
c.println ("detector again. You go through the machine and it beeps again. The officer ");
c.println ("searches you and finds nothing. After your time with the officer you board ");
c.println ("the plane. The plane takes off. \" Seven hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You slowly drift off into a deep sleep. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You wake up 7 hours later. The speaker announces that the plane will "); // on plane
c.println ("be landing immediately. You sit back in your seat and wait to land");
c.println ("Slowly you get off the plane and go to your hotel.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You notice that people are looking at you suspiciously. You ignore them");
c.println ("and continue running. by the time you get to your destination it is raining.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you want to set up a shelter? (yes/no)"); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
String shelter;
shelter = c.readLine (); // gets answer
if (shelter.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("You set up your shelter. By this time you need to hurry up.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1, 2 or 3 to select which item you grab."); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
int item = c.readInt (); // gets answer
if (item == 1)
{ // wep 1
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you try to fire your orange at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The police immediately come and arrest you for ");
c.println ("attemped murder. You spend the rest of your days in a misserable");
c.println ("jail.");
else if (item == 2)
{ // wep 2
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and fire your flamethrower at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The appartment immediately catches on fire. ");
c.println ("You try to doust the flames but the shelter you set up protects");
c.println ("the flames from the rain. You burn to death on that day, never ");
c.println ("to be seen again.");
else if (item == 3)
{ //wep 3
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and before you even shot Stephen ");
c.println ("Harper falls to the ground. You are wondering what just happened.");
c.println ("Yuou see the medics come in and you hear them announce that he had");
c.println ("a heart attack and died, they tell you that it was because off all");
c.println ("of the McDonalds fries that he had. You accomplished your mission.");
else if (shelter.equals ("no"))
{ // reads no if answer no
c.println ("You decide not to set up a shelter. You are soaking wet. Your clothes");
c.println ("weigh you down. you need to chose your weapon quickly.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you choose the small (small), medium (med), or the largest (large) weapon?"); // asks user a question
String wep = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (wep.equals ("small"))
{ // compares user answer to given requirement
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your pistol at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. All the other politicians thought that he deserved it for being");
c.println ("on his blackberry. They call off the police search and you live to kill");
c.println ("another day.");
if (wep.equals ("med"))
{ // compares user answer to given requirement
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your sniper at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. Everyone wonders what happened to him, but really no one cares.");
c.println ("They decide the world has been rid of one evil and they are greatful.");
c.println ("The assassin is considered a great hero until his karma turned against him.");
if (wep.equals ("large"))
{ // compares user answer to given requirement
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your rocket at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The parlament explodes. You are featured on America's ");
c.println ("Most Wanted and you spend the rest of your life in a sewer living off the");
c.println ("rats until disease takes your life.");
else if (answer.equals ("no"))
{ // plane //no reads if answer is no
c.println ("The officer ");
c.println ("searches you and finds nothing. After your time with the officer you board ");
c.println ("the plane. The plane takes off. \" Seven hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You slowly drift off into a deep sleep. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You wake up 7 hours later. The speaker announces that the plane will ");
c.println ("be landing immediately. You sit back in your seat and wait to land");
c.println ("Slowly you get off the plane and go to your hotel.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You notice that people are looking at you suspiciously. You ignore them");
c.println ("and continue running. by the time you get to your destination it is raining.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you want to set up a shelter? (yes/no)"); // aksk user a question
c.setTextColor (;
String shelter;
shelter = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (shelter.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("You set up your shelter. By this time you need to hurry up.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1, 2 or 3 to select which item you grab."); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
int item = c.readInt (); // gets user input
if (item == 1)
{ // item 1
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you try to fire your orange at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The police immediately come and arrest you for ");
c.println ("attemped murder. You spend the rest of your days in a misserable");
c.println ("jail.");
else if (item == 2)
{ // item 2
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and fire your flamethrower at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The appartment immediately catches on fire. ");
c.println ("You try to doust the flames but the shelter you set up protects");
c.println ("the flames from the rain. You burn to death on that day, never ");
c.println ("to be seen again.");
else if (item == 3)
{ // item 3
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and before you even shot Stephen ");
c.println ("Harper falls to the ground. You are wondering what just happened.");
c.println ("You see the medics come in and you hear them announce that he had");
c.println ("a heart attack and died, they tell you that it was because off all");
c.println ("of the McDonalds fries that he had. You accomplished your mission.");
else if (shelter.equals ("no"))
{ // no shelter
c.println ("You decide not to set up a shelter. You are soaking wet. Your clothes");
c.println ("weigh you down. you need to chose your weapon quickly.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you choose the small (small), medium (med), or the largest (large) weapon?"); // asks user a question
String wep = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (wep.equals ("small"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your pistol at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. All the other politicians thought that he deserved it for being");
c.println ("on his blackberry. They call off the police search and you live to kill");
c.println ("another day.");
if (wep.equals ("med"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your sniper at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. Everyone wonders what happened to him, but really no one cares.");
c.println ("They decide the world has been rid of one evil and they are greatful.");
c.println ("The assassin is considered a great hero until his karma turned against him.");
if (wep.equals ("large"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your rocket at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The parlament explodes. You are featured on America's ");
c.println ("Most Wanted and you spend the rest of your life in a sewer living off the");
c.println ("rats until disease takes your life.");
else if (answer.equals ("run"))
{ // run from cops
c.println ("You start to run. The cops immediately chase you down and arrest you.");
c.println ("You are tortured until you speak.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you speak? (yes/no) "); // asks user a question
String speak = c.readLine (); // gets user input
c.setTextColor (;
if (speak.equals ("yes"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You tell the cops everything. You tell them you're a ninja going to kill");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. They dont believe you but they arrest you anyway for ");
c.println ("safety purposes");
else if (speak.equals ("no"))
{ // compares answer to option
c.println ("You do not budge. The cops torture you. They rip off parts of your body.");
c.println ("You still dont speak. They torture you until you die. You will never be remembered.");
c.println ("The cops and government cover up the whole story.");
// second assisnment
else if (envelope == 2)
c.println ("You take envelope 2 and open it. It reads, You have selected envelope 1.");
c.println ("You know the drill by now");
c.println ();
c.println ("Destination: Ontario");
c.println ("Time: 10:30");
c.println ();
c.println ("Your plane ticket has been included in the envelope. Good luck.");
c.println ("There is no turning back now!");
c.println ();
c.println ("A couple minutes later you are driving towards the airport.");
c.println ("You arrive a few minutes later. While going through security you");
c.println ("happen to set off the metal detector. The officer asks \"do you have anything ");
c.println ("metal on you?\"");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("You answer: (type 'yes'for yes, 'no' for no and 'run' to run away)");
//String answer;
answer = c.readLine ();
if (answer.equals ("yes"))
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("You hand over a sowing kit to the officer. He prompts you to go through the ");
c.println ("detector again. You go through the machine and it does not beep. ");
c.println ("After going through security you get on the plane. ");
c.println ("The plane takes off. \" six and a half hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You carefully plan out the events to come. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("6 1/2 hours later all the plans are perfected. The speaker announces that the plane will ");
c.println ("be landing immediately and that the weather is hot and dry. You sit back in your seat ");
c.println ("and wait to land. Slowly you get off the plane and go a small place to eat.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You quickly run across the road jump over a couple of cars and creep into the building.");
c.println ("You climb up the stairs. Good! The door is open.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1, 2 or 3 to select which item you grab.");
c.setTextColor (;
int item = c.readInt ();
if (item == 1)
c.println ("You grab a fork out of your bag. You turn the corner and throw the fork");
c.println ("into the classroom. It hits Jordan Lemcke in the back of the head. ");
c.println ("The supply teacher who sees the fork in his head quickly runs over and rips");
c.println ("the fork out. Jordan by now has massive blood loss and dies of it.");
c.println ("The supply teacher takes the blame for not being able to control his");
c.println ("anger. The School Board realizes that he did not have first aid training ");
c.println ("and they fire him.");
else if (item == 2)
c.println ("You grab the first two big things that you can find.");
c.println ("You look in the door, pull the bow back and fire the arrow. ");
c.println ("it soars through the air and sticks into the wall above your targets head.");
c.println ("the teacher sreams for help and calls the police. They come and arrest you.");
c.println ("You spend the rest of your days in a jail.");
else if (item == 3)
c.println ("You take out the smallest but one of the best things from your bag.");
c.println ("You put the blowdart to your mouth. You turn the corner and fire the dart.");
c.println ("The small dart tipped in posion flies through the air. Unfortunately the fan");
c.println ("was on it is blew the dart over a bit. Instead of hitting Jordan you hit the ");
c.println ("person two to the right of him. Nik drops on the floor dead and you run away.");
else if (answer.equals ("no"))
c.println ("After going through security you get on the plane. ");
c.println ("The plane takes off. \" six and a half hours flight time remaining\", ");
c.println ("announces the loud speaker. You carefully plan out the events to come. ");
c.println ("");
c.println ("6 1/2 hours later all the plans are perfected. The speaker announces that the plane will ");
c.println ("be landing immediately and that the weather is hot and dry. You sit back in your seat ");
c.println ("and wait to land. Slowly you get off the plane and go a small place to eat.");
c.println ("");
c.println ("You realize you are behind schedule. You grab your bag and run out the door.");
c.println ("You quickly run across the road jump over a couple of cars and creep into the building.");
c.println ("You climb up the stairs. Good! The door is open.");
c.println ("You grab something from your bag.");
String wep = c.readLine ();
c.setTextColor (;
if (wep.equals ("small"))
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your pistol at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. All the other politicians thought that he deserved it for being");
c.println ("on his blackberry. They call off the police search and you live to kill");
c.println ("another day.");
if (wep.equals ("med"))
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your sniper at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. Stephen Harper drops dead in the middle of question ");
c.println ("period. Everyone wonders what happened to him, but really no one cares.");
c.println ("They decide the world has been rid of one evil and they are greatful.");
c.println ("The assassin is considered a great hero until his karma turned against him.");
if (wep.equals ("large"))
c.println ("You run to the ledge, take aim and you fire your rocket at");
c.println ("Stephen Harper. The parlament explodes. You are featured on America's ");
c.println ("Most Wanted and you spend the rest of your life in a sewer living off the");
c.println ("rats until disease takes your life.");
else if (answer.equals ("run"))
c.println ("You start to run. The cops immediately chase you down and arrest you.");
c.println ("You are tortured until you speak.");
c.setTextColor (;
c.println ("Do you speak? (yes/no) ");
String speak = c.readLine ();
c.setTextColor (;
if (speak.equals ("yes"))
c.println ("You tell the cops everything. You tell them you're a ninja going to kill");
c.println ("Jordan Lemcke. They dont believe you but they arrest you anyway for ");
c.println ("safety purposes");
else if (speak.equals ("no"))
c.println ("You do not budge. The cops torture you. They rip off parts of your body.");
c.println ("You still dont speak. They torture you until you die. You will never be ");
c.println ("remembered. The cops and government cover up the whole story.");
// third assignment
else if (envelope == 3)
c.println ("You take envelope 1 and open it. It reads, You have selected envelope 1.");
c.println ("You know the drill by now");
c.println ();
c.println ("Destination: Home");
c.println ("Time: 10:00");
c.println ();
c.println ("Good luck."); // prints envelope 1
c.println ("There is no turning back now!");
c.println ();
c.println ("You drive to a famous sushi bar. you are carrying a lightly packed bag.");
c.println ("You are dressed in dark clothes.");
c.println ("You get out of the car. Someone is blocking your way. ");
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Do you go around them (round) or push them (push) out of the way?");
c.setTextColor (;
//String answer = c.readLine ();
if (answer.equals ("round"))
{ // read yes if answer yes
c.print ("you speed around the person. You get to the sushi bar in time.");
c.println ("You see your target."); // asks user a question
c.setTextColor (;
c.setTextColor (;
c.print ("Type 1 to go in stealth, 2 to go in ninja or 3 to use your skills.");
move = c.readInt (); // gets answer
if (move == 1)
c.println ("You sneak in behind George bush and kill him. No one notices until");
c.println ("he doesn't answer when they ask him if he died.");
c.println ("You live your life happily knowing that you helped the world.");
else if (move == 2)
{ // reads no if answer no
c.println ("You have decided to go in ninja. You try to kill George Bush");
c.println ("but his body gu