I wanted every variable in the array to have .x, .y, and .cont, the error occuired on line 11:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct attrib{
char x;
int y;
char cont;

attrib brd[8][8]; //ERROR WAS HERE

int main()
    for ( x=-1; X<8; x++) //accesses all columns in the array
        for ( y=-1; y<8; y++) //accesses all rows in the array
            brd[x][y].x= char (65 +x); //assigns columns names A-H
            brd[x][y].y= y +1; //assigns rows numbers 1-8
            cout<< "|" << brd[x][y].x brd[x][y].y << "|";

Edit: You should remember that error message specifically, because it is a misleading one for less experienced programmers.

struct attrib{
char x;
int y;
char cont;
}; // <-- you didn't have a trailing semicolon
attrib brd[8][8]; //ERROR WAS HERE <-- no it wasn't
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