hi. I am working on a project that requires a search button. it goes like this. the I will enter data on a text box. then the record that goes with it will display on the 3 textboxes. My problem is I don't know how to code a search buttons. please help.

What kind of database are you using, access, MySql etc?

Could you give us some sample data on what kind of data you were searching?

-> for example: like typing the Customer ID on a textbox, then perform search and display the customer info. such as last name, first name and middle name on these three texboxes...(Are these is what you are trying to do?)

regarding the coding of your search button, if it has a back-end database, then use the SELECT statement to query results....within your recordset object...

SELECT CustomerID, lastname, firstname FROM tblCustomers WHERE lastname LIKE 'V%'

-> this select statement will show result those customers that have a last name starting with the "V" letter.

@andreret I'm sorry I forgot. it's ms access 2003

@poisoned heart the data that will be typed on the text box is a name, then the it would display some selected information of the name that was searched.

Your select statement would be -

SELECT * FROM MyTableName WHERE TheName LIKE " & "'" & "Prob%" & "'"

This will return all names in the database that has prob in itself.

Have a look at the following link -


@andre are you sure this will work in vb6? because when I use this code there is always an error even when I play around the code.

Do the following -

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()

'Declare connection and recordset
Dim cnSearch As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsSearch As ADODB.Recordset

'Create a new instance of connection and recordset
Set cnSearch = New ADODB.Connection
Set rsSearch = New ADODB.Recordset

'Open connection
cnSearch.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\MySearch.MDB;Persist Security Info=False"
'Open recordset
Dim strSql As String

strSql = "SELECT * FROM MySearch WHERE Name LIKE " & "'" & "And%" & "'"

rsSearch.Open strSql, cnSearch, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

'See if any records exist. If not exit sub and close connection and
'recordset. If yes, display data in text boxes

If rsSearch.BOF = True Or rsSearch.EOF = True Then
    MsgBox "No records exist"
    Exit Sub
    Text1.Text = rsSearch!Name
    Text2.Text = rsSearch!Surname
End If
End Sub

This works 100% within VB6 AND Access.

OK thank you! I got it! it works perfectly fine!!!!!!!! THANKS a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only a pleasure. Happy coding.

i really like to get information in your web site...it really helps..thanks...im philip,new member..

hi.....im jennylyn,i would like to ask you guys if what would be a code for SEARCH in database....like if we would find the name or gender????pls post a code guys....need it in our activity!!!!!!thanks..............:)

hi.....im jennylyn,i would like to ask you guys if what would be a code for SEARCH in database....like if we would find the name or gender????pls post a code guys....need it in our activity!!!!!!thanks..............

hi.....im jennylyn,i would like to ask you guys if what would be a code for SEARCH in database....like if we would find the name or gender????pls post a code guys....need it in our activity!!!!!!thanks..............

Post your own thread here. Also post the code you working on.

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