So I have an assignment to redefine an array-based Stack push() function. The problem itself sounds like it totally defeats the purpose of a stack, but this is what I have been assigned:
Rewrite the push function so 'myTop' is always 0 instead of one more than the index of the last element. Now determine the worst-case complexity of the function (for Big O notation).
Not so worried about finding the worst-case complexity, but I'm having trouble redefining the following push() function to have myTop at 0 and be able to add elements on top of myTop.
Any tips?
void Stack::push(const StackElement & value)
if (myTop < STACK_CAPACITY - 1)
myArray[myTop] = value;
cerr << "*** Stack full -- can't add new value ***\n"
"Must increase value of STACK_CAPACITY in Stack.h\n";