Hi guys, I know what is meant by vector <string> myvector as it will just take every inputs as string when we are trying to store the inputs in myvector.

e.g. myvector.push_back(nick)

but what about if we declare the type of vector become like vector <FLATMATE> myvector?
Why it won't take any inputs and give some error?


    string name;
        FLATMATE() { name = "";}
        FLATMATE(string n){name = n;}
        string getName(){return name;}
        void setResident(string n){name = n;}

vector <FLATMATE> myvector

what is the valid input for myvector to store something? Just need to get this stuff around my head..

First you have to declare an object of type FLATMATE and then push it onto the vector

FLATMATE fl("John");

problem solved, thanks for the help!

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