I have a function that needs to read a file line by line. It will check that line for a number(a process ID for my process scheduling function). The line is delimited by |. So I read the line in, get the first ID number, and then I want to remove that ID number and delimitor from the line and write that line back to the file. But when I do that the line is written back but it deletes everything below it in the file.
Here is what I have so far:
int selectJob() {
ifstream input;
input.open("queues.txt", ifstream::in);
int lineNumber = 0;
string line = "";
int jobID;
while (!input.eof()) {
getline(input, line);
// Line 1
if (line.length() != 0) {
// This just makes a vector of the split up strings. Its sloppy, but its old code from another program
const vector<string> jobs(split(line, "|"));
cout << jobs[0] << endl;
// Remove the job from the queue and rewrite the line to the file
string newString = line.substr(2,line.length());
cout << newString << endl;
ofstream output;
output.open("queues.txt", ofstream::out);
output << newString;
jobID = atoi(jobs[0].c_str());
return jobID;