I have to write a table called tempconv.txt, the table should have temps from -300-212 fah and the cel equivalents with steps of 10 or 20, presented in 2 columns.I keep getting a syntax error. I think i am having trouble with the opening and closing of the file. Thanks for any help.

def feh():
    outfile = open("tempconv.txt","w")
    outfile.write ("%10s%10s\n"%(feh,"cel"))
for i in range ( -300,240,120):
                   counterCelsius = (i -32) / 1.8
                   outfile.write("%10.3f %10.3f\n" %(i,convertCelsius)
    outfile.close (

indention of lin 4 is of and are you realy looping in steps of 120?

check your indentation from for loop to end.

Also why not do things the easy way.??


steps of 20

what is the easy way

I am still getting a systex error when closing the file

I am still getting a systex error when closing the file

We can't really guess what that is. Post the entire error message. As a general rule, check that line of code and the previous for the same number of open and closing parens. If there is a paren error on the previous line, the interpreter sees the next line as a continuation line. Also, you close the file, but never open it, so that could be one of the errors.

what is the easy way


with open(...) as myfile:
     generator -> formatter -> join the line -> join the lines -> myfile.write argument
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