I have this program http://ostermiller.org/qqwing/qqwing.cpp.html
I need run the program by code with parameters to do somehtin on interface.
So how i load the data that i need to my program without change it.
Note: I want make a program based on it http://ostermiller.org/qqwing/qqwing.cpp.html.
tkud 0 Posting Whiz in Training
1.You haven't explained enough for you to get enough answers, although for basic file operations, use the fstream.
2. Please post the code on this forum.... putting a link to another site might discourage other members from even reading your post.
3. Where's config.h?
dicas3d 0 Newbie Poster
I not make the original program.
The program that i gona make is a interface to use with this in a separeted bin.
Of any way this is the code that i need:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
try {
// Start time for the application for timing
long applicationStartTime = getMicroseconds();
// The number of puzzles solved or generated.
int puzzleCount = 0;
enum Action {NONE, GENERATE, SOLVE};
// defaults for options
bool printPuzzle = false;
bool printSolution = false;
bool printHistory = false;
bool printInstructions = false;
bool timer = false;
bool countSolutions = false;
Action action = NONE;
bool logHistory = false;
SudokuBoard::PrintStyle printStyle = SudokuBoard::READABLE;
int numberToGenerate = 1;
bool printStats = false;
SudokuBoard::Difficulty difficulty = SudokuBoard::UNKNOWN;
// Read the arguments and set the options
{for (int i=1; i<argc; i++){
if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--puzzle")){
printPuzzle = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--nopuzzle")){
printPuzzle = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--solution")){
printSolution = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--nosolution")){
printSolution = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--history")){
printHistory = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--nohistory")){
printHistory = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--instructions")){
printInstructions = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--noinstructions")){
printInstructions = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--stats")){
printStats = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--nostats")){
printStats = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--timer")){
timer = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--notimer")){
timer = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--count-solutions")){
countSolutions = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--nocount-solutions")){
countSolutions = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--generate")){
action = GENERATE;
printPuzzle = true;
if (i+1 < argc && argv[i+1][0] >= '1' && argv[i+1][0] <= '9'){
numberToGenerate = atoi(argv[i+1]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--difficulty")){
if (argc < i+1){
cout << "Please specify a difficulty." << endl;
return 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i+1],"simple")){
difficulty = SudokuBoard::SIMPLE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i+1],"easy")){
difficulty = SudokuBoard::EASY;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i+1],"intermediate")){
difficulty = SudokuBoard::INTERMEDIATE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i+1],"expert")){
difficulty = SudokuBoard::EXPERT;
} else {
cout << "Difficulty expected to be simple, easy, intermediate, or expert, not " << argv[i+1] << endl;
return 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--solve")){
action = SOLVE;
printSolution = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--log-history")){
logHistory = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--nolog-history")){
logHistory = false;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--one-line")){
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--compact")){
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--readable")){
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--csv")){
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n") || !strcmp(argv[i],"--number")){
if (i+1 < argc){
numberToGenerate = atoi(argv[i+1]);
} else {
cout << "Please specify a number." << endl;
return 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h") || !strcmp(argv[i],"--help") || !strcmp(argv[i],"help") || !strcmp(argv[i],"?")){
return 0;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--version")){
return 0;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--about")){
return 0;
} else {
cout << "Unknown argument: '" << argv[i] << "'" << endl;
return 1;
if (action == NONE){
cout << "Either --solve or --generate must be specified." << endl;
return 1;
// Initialize the random number generator
int timeSeed = time(NULL);
// If printing out CSV, print a header
if (printStyle == SudokuBoard::CSV){
if (printPuzzle) cout << "Puzzle,";
if (printSolution) cout << "Solution,";
if (printHistory) cout << "Solve History,";
if (printInstructions) cout << "Solve Instructions,";
if (countSolutions) cout << "Solution Count,";
if (timer) cout << "Time (milliseconds),";
if (printStats) cout << "Givens,Singles,Hidden Singles,Naked Pairs,Hidden Pairs,Pointing Pairs/Triples,Box/Line Intersections,Guesses,Backtracks,Difficulty";
cout << "" << endl;
// Create a new puzzle board
// and set the options
SudokuBoard* ss = new SudokuBoard();
ss->setRecordHistory(printHistory || printInstructions || printStats || difficulty!=SudokuBoard::UNKNOWN);
// Solve puzzle or generate puzzles
// until end of input for solving, or
// until we have generated the specified number.
bool done = false;
int numberGenerated = 0;
while (!done){
// record the start time for the timer.
long puzzleStartTime = getMicroseconds();
// iff something has been printed for this particular puzzle
bool printedSomething = false;
// Record whether the puzzle was possible or not,
// so that we don't try to solve impossible givens.
bool havePuzzle = false;
if (action == GENERATE){
// Generate a puzzle
havePuzzle = ss->generatePuzzle();
if (!havePuzzle && printPuzzle){
cout << "Could not generate puzzle.";
if (printStyle==SudokuBoard::CSV){
cout << ",";
} else {
cout << endl;
printedSomething = true;
} else {
// Read the next puzzle on STDIN
int* puzzle = new int[BOARD_SIZE];
if (readPuzzleFromStdIn(puzzle)){
havePuzzle = ss->setPuzzle(puzzle);
if (!havePuzzle){
if (printPuzzle){
printedSomething = true;
if (printSolution) {
cout << "Puzzle is not possible.";
if (printStyle==SudokuBoard::CSV){
cout << ",";
} else {
cout << endl;
printedSomething = true;
} else {
// Set loop to terminate when nothing is left on STDIN
havePuzzle = false;
done = true;
delete puzzle;
int solutions = 0;
if (havePuzzle){
// Count the solutions if requested.
// (Must be done before solving, as it would
// mess up the stats.)
if (countSolutions){
solutions = ss->countSolutions();
// Solve the puzzle
if (printSolution || printHistory || printStats || printInstructions || difficulty!=SudokuBoard::UNKNOWN){
// Bail out if it didn't meet the difficulty standards for generation
if (action == GENERATE){
if (difficulty!=SudokuBoard::UNKNOWN && difficulty!=ss->getDifficulty()){
havePuzzle = false;
} else {
// Set loop to terminate if enough have been generated.
if (numberGenerated >= numberToGenerate) done = true;
if (havePuzzle){
// With a puzzle now in hand and possibly solved
// print out the solution, stats, etc.
printedSomething = true;
// Record the end time for the timer.
long puzzleDoneTime = getMicroseconds();
// Print the puzzle itself.
if (printPuzzle) ss->printPuzzle();
// Print the solution if there is one
if (printSolution){
if (ss->isSolved()){
} else {
cout << "Puzzle has no solution.";
if (printStyle==SudokuBoard::CSV){
cout << ",";
} else {
cout << endl;
// Print the steps taken to solve or attempt to solve the puzzle.
if (printHistory) ss->printSolveHistory();
// Print the instructions for solving the puzzle
if (printInstructions) ss->printSolveInstructions();
// Print the number of solutions to the puzzle.
if (countSolutions){
if (printStyle == SudokuBoard::CSV){
cout << solutions << ",";
} else {
if (solutions == 0){
cout << "There are no solutions to the puzzle." << endl;
} else if (solutions == 1){
cout << "The solution to the puzzle is unique." << endl;
} else {
cout << "There are " << solutions << " solutions to the puzzle." << endl;
// Print out the time it took to solve the puzzle.
if (timer){
double t = ((double)(puzzleDoneTime - puzzleStartTime))/1000.0;
if (printStyle == SudokuBoard::CSV){
cout << t << ",";
} else {
cout << "Time: " << t << " milliseconds" << endl;
// Print any stats we were able to gather while solving the puzzle.
if (printStats){
int givenCount = ss->getGivenCount();
int singleCount = ss->getSingleCount();
int hiddenSingleCount = ss->getHiddenSingleCount();
int nakedPairCount = ss->getNakedPairCount();
int hiddenPairCount = ss->getHiddenPairCount();
int pointingPairTripleCount = ss->getPointingPairTripleCount();
int boxReductionCount = ss->getBoxLineReductionCount();
int guessCount = ss->getGuessCount();
int backtrackCount = ss->getBacktrackCount();
char* difficultyString = ss->getDifficultyAsString();
if (printStyle == SudokuBoard::CSV){
cout << givenCount << "," << singleCount << "," << hiddenSingleCount
<< "," << nakedPairCount << "," << hiddenPairCount
<< "," << pointingPairTripleCount << "," << boxReductionCount
<< "," << guessCount << "," << backtrackCount
<< "," << difficultyString << ",";
} else {
cout << "Number of Givens: " << givenCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Singles: " << singleCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Hidden Singles: " << hiddenSingleCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Naked Pairs: " << nakedPairCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Hidden Pairs: " << hiddenPairCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Pointing Pairs/Triples: " << pointingPairTripleCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Box/Line Intersections: " << boxReductionCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Guesses: " << guessCount << endl;
cout << "Number of Backtracks: " << backtrackCount << endl;
cout << "Difficulty: " << difficultyString << endl;
if (printedSomething && printStyle == SudokuBoard::CSV){
cout << endl;
delete ss;
long applicationDoneTime = getMicroseconds();
// Print out the time it took to do everything
if (timer){
double t = ((double)(applicationDoneTime - applicationStartTime))/1000000.0;
cout << puzzleCount << " puzzle" << ((puzzleCount==1)?"":"s") << " " << (action==GENERATE?"generated":"solved") << " in " << t << " seconds." << endl;
} catch (char const* s){
cout << s << endl;
return 1;
return 0;
void printVersion(){
cout << PACKAGE_STRING << endl;
void printAbout(){
cout << PACKAGE_NAME << " - Sudoku solver and generator." << endl;
cout << "Written by Stephen Ostermiller copyright 2006." << endl;
cout << "http://ostermiller.org/qqwing/" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify" << endl;
cout << "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by" << endl;
cout << "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or" << endl;
cout << "(at your option) any later version." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," << endl;
cout << "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" << endl;
cout << "GNU General Public License for more details." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License" << endl;
cout << "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software" << endl;
cout << "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA" << endl;
void printHelp(char* programName){
cout << programName << " <options>" << endl;
cout << "Sudoku solver and generator." << endl;
cout << " --generate <num> Generate new puzzles" << endl;
cout << " --solve Solve all the puzzles from standard input" << endl;
cout << " --difficulty <diff> Generate only simple,easy, intermediate, or expert" << endl;
cout << " --puzzle Print the puzzle (default when generating)" << endl;
cout << " --nopuzzle Do not print the puzzle (default when solving)" << endl;
cout << " --solution Print the solution (default when solving)" << endl;
cout << " --nosolution Do not print the solution (default when generating)" << endl;
cout << " --stats Print statistics about moves used to solve the puzzle" << endl;
cout << " --nostats Do not print statistics (default)" << endl;
cout << " --timer Print time to generate or solve each puzzle" << endl;
cout << " --notimer Do not print solve or generation times (default)" << endl;
cout << " --count-solutions Count the number of solutions to puzzles" << endl;
cout << " --nocount-solutions Do not count the number of solutions (default)" << endl;
cout << " --history Print trial and error used when solving" << endl;
cout << " --nohistory Do not print trial and error to solve (default)" << endl;
cout << " --instructions Print the steps (at least 81) needed to solve the puzzle" << endl;
cout << " --noinstructions Do not print steps to solve (default)" << endl;
cout << " --log-history Print trial and error to solve as it happens" << endl;
cout << " --nolog-history Do not print trial and error to solve as it happens" << endl;
cout << " --one-line Print puzzles on one line of 81 characters" << endl;
cout << " --compact Print puzzles on 9 lines of 9 characters" << endl;
cout << " --readable Print puzzles in human readable form (default)" << endl;
cout << " --csv Ouput CSV format with one line puzzles" << endl;
cout << " --help Print this message" << endl;
cout << " --about Author and license information" << endl;
cout << " --version Display current version number" << endl;
* Create a new Sudoku board
puzzle = new int[BOARD_SIZE];
solution = new int[BOARD_SIZE];
solutionRound = new int[BOARD_SIZE];
possibilities = new int[POSSIBILITY_SIZE];
recordHistory = false;
printStyle = READABLE;
randomBoardArray = new int[BOARD_SIZE];
randomPossibilityArray = new int[NUM_POSS];
solveHistory = new vector<LogItem*>();
solveInstructions = new vector<LogItem*>();
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
randomBoardArray[i] = i;
{for (int i=0; i<NUM_POSS; i++){
randomPossibilityArray[i] = i;
* Get the number of cells that are
* set in the puzzle (as opposed to
* figured out in the solution
int SudokuBoard::getGivenCount(){
int count = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
if (puzzle[i] != 0) count++;
return count;
* Set the board to the given puzzle.
* The given puzzle must be an array of 81 integers.
bool SudokuBoard::setPuzzle(int* initPuzzle){
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
puzzle[i] = (initPuzzle==NULL)?0:initPuzzle[i];
return reset();
* Reset the board to its initial state with
* only the givens.
* This method clears any solution, resets statistics,
* and clears any history messages.
bool SudokuBoard::reset(){
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
solution[i] = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
solutionRound[i] = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<POSSIBILITY_SIZE; i++){
possibilities[i] = 0;
{for (int i=0;i<solveHistory->size();i++){
delete solveHistory->at(i);
int round = 1;
for (int position=0; position<BOARD_SIZE; position++){
if (puzzle[position] > 0){
int valIndex = puzzle[position]-1;
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
int value = puzzle[position];
if (possibilities[valPos] != 0) return false;
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::GIVEN, value, position));
return true;
* Get the difficulty rating.
SudokuBoard::Difficulty SudokuBoard::getDifficulty(){
if (getGuessCount() > 0) return SudokuBoard::EXPERT;
if (getBoxLineReductionCount() > 0) return SudokuBoard::INTERMEDIATE;
if (getPointingPairTripleCount() > 0) return SudokuBoard::INTERMEDIATE;
if (getHiddenPairCount() > 0) return SudokuBoard::INTERMEDIATE;
if (getNakedPairCount() > 0) return SudokuBoard::INTERMEDIATE;
if (getHiddenSingleCount() > 0) return SudokuBoard::EASY;
if (getSingleCount() > 0) return SudokuBoard::SIMPLE;
return SudokuBoard::UNKNOWN;
* Get the difficulty rating.
char* SudokuBoard::getDifficultyAsString(){
SudokuBoard::Difficulty difficulty = getDifficulty();
switch (difficulty){
case SudokuBoard::EXPERT: return "Expert"; break;
case SudokuBoard::INTERMEDIATE: return "Intermediate"; break;
case SudokuBoard::EASY: return "Easy"; break;
case SudokuBoard::SIMPLE: return "Simple"; break;
default: return "Unknown"; break;
* Get the number of cells for which the solution was determined
* because there was only one possible value for that cell.
int SudokuBoard::getSingleCount(){
return getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::SINGLE);
* Get the number of cells for which the solution was determined
* because that cell had the only possibility for some value in
* the row, column, or section.
int SudokuBoard::getHiddenSingleCount(){
return getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::HIDDEN_SINGLE_ROW) +
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::HIDDEN_SINGLE_COLUMN) +
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::HIDDEN_SINGLE_SECTION);
* Get the number of naked pair reductions that were performed
* in solving this puzzle.
int SudokuBoard::getNakedPairCount(){
return getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::NAKED_PAIR_ROW) +
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::NAKED_PAIR_COLUMN) +
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::NAKED_PAIR_SECTION);
* Get the number of hidden pair reductions that were performed
* in solving this puzzle.
int SudokuBoard::getHiddenPairCount(){
return getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::HIDDEN_PAIR_ROW) +
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::HIDDEN_PAIR_COLUMN) +
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::HIDDEN_PAIR_SECTION);
* Get the number of pointing pair/triple reductions that were performed
* in solving this puzzle.
int SudokuBoard::getPointingPairTripleCount(){
return getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::POINTING_PAIR_TRIPLE_ROW)+
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::POINTING_PAIR_TRIPLE_COLUMN);
* Get the number of box/line reductions that were performed
* in solving this puzzle.
int SudokuBoard::getBoxLineReductionCount(){
return getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::ROW_BOX)+
getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::COLUMN_BOX);
* Get the number lucky guesses in solving this puzzle.
int SudokuBoard::getGuessCount(){
return getLogCount(solveInstructions, LogItem::GUESS);
* Get the number of backtracks (unlucky guesses) required
* when solving this puzzle.
int SudokuBoard::getBacktrackCount(){
return getLogCount(solveHistory, LogItem::ROLLBACK);
void SudokuBoard::markRandomPossibility(int round){
int remainingPossibilities = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<POSSIBILITY_SIZE; i++){
if (possibilities[i] == 0) remainingPossibilities++;
int randomPossibility = rand()%remainingPossibilities;
int possibilityToMark = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<POSSIBILITY_SIZE; i++){
if (possibilities[i] == 0){
if (possibilityToMark == randomPossibility){
int position = i/NUM_POSS;
int value = i%NUM_POSS+1;
mark(position, round, value);
void SudokuBoard::shuffleRandomArrays(){
shuffleArray(randomBoardArray, BOARD_SIZE);
shuffleArray(randomPossibilityArray, NUM_POSS);
void SudokuBoard::clearPuzzle(){
// Clear any existing puzzle
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
puzzle[i] = 0;
bool SudokuBoard::generatePuzzle(){
// Don't record history while generating.
bool recHistory = recordHistory;
bool lHistory = logHistory;
// Start by getting the randomness in order so that
// each puzzle will be different from the last.
// Now solve the puzzle the whole way. The solve
// uses random algorithms, so we should have a
// really randomly totally filled sudoku
// Even when starting from an empty grid
// Rollback any square for which it is obvious that
// the square doesn't contribute to a unique solution
// (ie, squares that were filled by logic rather
// than by guess)
// Record all marked squares as the puzzle so
// that we can call countSolutions without losing it.
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
puzzle[i] = solution[i];
// Rerandomize everything so that we test squares
// in a different order than they were added.
// Remove one value at a time and see if
// the puzzle still has only one solution.
// If it does, leave it0 out the point because
// it is not needed.
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
// check all the positions, but in shuffled order
int position = randomBoardArray[i];
if (puzzle[position] > 0){
// try backing out the value and
// counting solutions to the puzzle
int savedValue = puzzle[position];
puzzle[position] = 0;
if (countSolutions(2, true) > 1){
// Put it back in, it is needed
puzzle[position] = savedValue;
// Clear all solution info, leaving just the puzzle.
// Restore recording history.
return true;
void SudokuBoard::rollbackNonGuesses(){
// Guesses are odd rounds
// Non-guesses are even rounds
{for (int i=2; i<=lastSolveRound; i+=2){
void SudokuBoard::setPrintStyle(PrintStyle ps){
printStyle = ps;
void SudokuBoard::setRecordHistory(bool recHistory){
recordHistory = recHistory;
void SudokuBoard::setLogHistory(bool logHist){
logHistory = logHist;
void SudokuBoard::addHistoryItem(LogItem* l){
if (logHistory){
cout << endl;
if (recordHistory){
} else {
delete l;
void SudokuBoard::printHistory(vector<LogItem*>* v){
if (!recordHistory){
cout << "History was not recorded.";
if (printStyle == CSV){
cout << " -- ";
} else {
cout << endl;
{for (int i=0;i<v->size();i++){
cout << i+1 << ". ";
if (printStyle == CSV){
cout << " -- ";
} else {
cout << endl;
if (printStyle == CSV){
cout << ",";
} else {
cout << endl;
void SudokuBoard::printSolveInstructions(){
if (isSolved()){
} else {
cout << "No solve instructions - Puzzle is not possible to solve." << endl;
void SudokuBoard::printSolveHistory(){
bool SudokuBoard::solve(){
return solve(2);
bool SudokuBoard::solve(int round){
lastSolveRound = round;
while (singleSolveMove(round)){
if (isSolved()) return true;
if (isImpossible()) return false;
int nextGuessRound = round+1;
int nextRound = round+2;
for (int guessNumber=0; guess(nextGuessRound, guessNumber); guessNumber++){
if (isImpossible() || !solve(nextRound)){
} else {
return true;
return false;
int SudokuBoard::countSolutions(){
// Don't record history while generating.
bool recHistory = recordHistory;
bool lHistory = logHistory;
int solutionCount = countSolutions(2, false);
// Restore recording history.
return solutionCount;
int SudokuBoard::countSolutions(int round, bool limitToTwo){
while (singleSolveMove(round)){
if (isSolved()){
return 1;
if (isImpossible()){
return 0;
int solutions = 0;
int nextRound = round+1;
for (int guessNumber=0; guess(nextRound, guessNumber); guessNumber++){
solutions += countSolutions(nextRound, limitToTwo);
if (limitToTwo && solutions >=2){
return solutions;
return solutions;
void SudokuBoard::rollbackRound(int round){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::ROLLBACK));
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
if (solutionRound[i] == round){
solutionRound[i] = 0;
solution[i] = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<POSSIBILITY_SIZE; i++){
if (possibilities[i] == round){
possibilities[i] = 0;
while(solveInstructions->size() > 0 && solveInstructions->back()->getRound() == round){
bool SudokuBoard::isSolved(){
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
if (solution[i] == 0){
return false;
return true;
bool SudokuBoard::isImpossible(){
for (int position=0; position<BOARD_SIZE; position++){
if (solution[position] == 0){
int count = 0;
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0) count++;
if (count == 0) {
return true;
return false;
int SudokuBoard::findPositionWithFewestPossibilities(){
int minPossibilities = 10;
int bestPosition = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
int position = randomBoardArray[i];
if (solution[position] == 0){
int count = 0;
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0) count++;
if (count < minPossibilities){
minPossibilities = count;
bestPosition = position;
return bestPosition;
bool SudokuBoard::guess(int round, int guessNumber){
int localGuessCount = 0;
int position = findPositionWithFewestPossibilities();
{for (int i=0; i<NUM_POSS; i++){
int valIndex = randomPossibilityArray[i];
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (localGuessCount == guessNumber){
int value = valIndex+1;
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::GUESS, value, position));
mark(position, round, value);
return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::singleSolveMove(int round){
if (onlyPossibilityForCell(round)) return true;
if (onlyValueInSection(round)) return true;
if (onlyValueInRow(round)) return true;
if (onlyValueInColumn(round)) return true;
if (handleNakedPairs(round)) return true;
if (pointingRowReduction(round)) return true;
if (pointingColumnReduction(round)) return true;
if (rowBoxReduction(round)) return true;
if (colBoxReduction(round)) return true;
if (hiddenPairInRow(round)) return true;
if (hiddenPairInColumn(round)) return true;
if (hiddenPairInSection(round)) return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::colBoxReduction(int round){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
for (int col=0; col<9; col++){
int colStart = columnToFirstCell(col);
bool inOneBox = true;
int colBox = -1;
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int row = i*3+j;
int position = rowColumnToCell(row, col);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if(possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (colBox == -1 || colBox == i){
colBox = i;
} else {
inOneBox = false;
if (inOneBox && colBox != -1){
bool doneSomething = false;
int row = 3*colBox;
int secStart = cellToSectionStartCell(rowColumnToCell(row, col));
int secStartRow = cellToRow(secStart);
int secStartCol = cellToColumn(secStart);
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int row2 = secStartRow+i;
int col2 = secStartCol+j;
int position = rowColumnToCell(row2, col2);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (col != col2 && possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::COLUMN_BOX, valIndex+1, colStart));
return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::rowBoxReduction(int round){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
for (int row=0; row<9; row++){
int rowStart = rowToFirstCell(row);
bool inOneBox = true;
int rowBox = -1;
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int column = i*3+j;
int position = rowColumnToCell(row, column);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if(possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (rowBox == -1 || rowBox == i){
rowBox = i;
} else {
inOneBox = false;
if (inOneBox && rowBox != -1){
bool doneSomething = false;
int column = 3*rowBox;
int secStart = cellToSectionStartCell(rowColumnToCell(row, column));
int secStartRow = cellToRow(secStart);
int secStartCol = cellToColumn(secStart);
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int row2 = secStartRow+i;
int col2 = secStartCol+j;
int position = rowColumnToCell(row2, col2);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (row != row2 && possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::ROW_BOX, valIndex+1, rowStart));
return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::pointingRowReduction(int round){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
for (int section=0; section<9; section++){
int secStart = sectionToFirstCell(section);
bool inOneRow = true;
int boxRow = -1;
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
int secVal=secStart+i+(9*j);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,secVal);
if(possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (boxRow == -1 || boxRow == j){
boxRow = j;
} else {
inOneRow = false;
if (inOneRow && boxRow != -1){
bool doneSomething = false;
int row = cellToRow(secStart) + boxRow;
int rowStart = rowToFirstCell(row);
{for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
int position = rowStart+i;
int section2 = cellToSection(position);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (section != section2 && possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::POINTING_PAIR_TRIPLE_ROW, valIndex+1, rowStart));
return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::pointingColumnReduction(int round){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
for (int section=0; section<9; section++){
int secStart = sectionToFirstCell(section);
bool inOneCol = true;
int boxCol = -1;
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int secVal=secStart+i+(9*j);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,secVal);
if(possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (boxCol == -1 || boxCol == i){
boxCol = i;
} else {
inOneCol = false;
if (inOneCol && boxCol != -1){
bool doneSomething = false;
int col = cellToColumn(secStart) + boxCol;
int colStart = columnToFirstCell(col);
{for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
int position = colStart+(9*i);
int section2 = cellToSection(position);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (section != section2 && possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::POINTING_PAIR_TRIPLE_COLUMN, valIndex+1, colStart));
return true;
return false;
int SudokuBoard::countPossibilities(int position){
int count = 0;
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0) count++;
return count;
bool SudokuBoard::arePossibilitiesSame(int position1, int position2){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int valPos1 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position1);
int valPos2 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position2);
if ((possibilities[valPos1] == 0 || possibilities[valPos2] == 0) && (possibilities[valPos1] != 0 || possibilities[valPos2] != 0)){
return false;
return true;
bool SudokuBoard::removePossibilitiesInOneFromTwo(int position1, int position2, int round){
bool doneSomething = false;
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int valPos1 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position1);
int valPos2 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position2);
if (possibilities[valPos1] == 0 && possibilities[valPos2] == 0){
possibilities[valPos2] = round;
doneSomething = true;
return doneSomething;
bool SudokuBoard::hiddenPairInColumn(int round){
for (int column=0; column<9; column++){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<9; valIndex++){
int r1 = -1;
int r2 = -1;
int valCount = 0;
for (int row=0; row<9; row++){
int position = rowColumnToCell(row,column);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (r1 == -1 || r1 == row){
r1 = row;
} else if (r2 == -1 || r2 == row){
r2 = row;
if (valCount==2){
for (int valIndex2=valIndex+1; valIndex2<9; valIndex2++){
int r3 = -1;
int r4 = -1;
int valCount2 = 0;
for (int row=0; row<9; row++){
int position = rowColumnToCell(row,column);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex2,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (r3 == -1 || r3 == row){
r3 = row;
} else if (r4 == -1 || r4 == row){
r4 = row;
if (valCount2==2 && r1==r3 && r2==r4){
bool doneSomething = false;
for (int valIndex3=0; valIndex3<9; valIndex3++){
if (valIndex3 != valIndex && valIndex3 != valIndex2){
int position1 = rowColumnToCell(r1,column);
int position2 = rowColumnToCell(r2,column);
int valPos1 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex3,position1);
int valPos2 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex3,position2);
if (possibilities[valPos1] == 0){
possibilities[valPos1] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (possibilities[valPos2] == 0){
possibilities[valPos2] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::HIDDEN_PAIR_COLUMN, valIndex+1, rowColumnToCell(r1,column)));
return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::hiddenPairInSection(int round){
for (int section=0; section<9; section++){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<9; valIndex++){
int si1 = -1;
int si2 = -1;
int valCount = 0;
for (int secInd=0; secInd<9; secInd++){
int position = sectionToCell(section,secInd);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (si1 == -1 || si1 == secInd){
si1 = secInd;
} else if (si2 == -1 || si2 == secInd){
si2 = secInd;
if (valCount==2){
for (int valIndex2=valIndex+1; valIndex2<9; valIndex2++){
int si3 = -1;
int si4 = -1;
int valCount2 = 0;
for (int secInd=0; secInd<9; secInd++){
int position = sectionToCell(section,secInd);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex2,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (si3 == -1 || si3 == secInd){
si3 = secInd;
} else if (si4 == -1 || si4 == secInd){
si4 = secInd;
if (valCount2==2 && si1==si3 && si2==si4){
bool doneSomething = false;
for (int valIndex3=0; valIndex3<9; valIndex3++){
if (valIndex3 != valIndex && valIndex3 != valIndex2){
int position1 = sectionToCell(section,si1);
int position2 = sectionToCell(section,si2);
int valPos1 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex3,position1);
int valPos2 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex3,position2);
if (possibilities[valPos1] == 0){
possibilities[valPos1] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (possibilities[valPos2] == 0){
possibilities[valPos2] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::HIDDEN_PAIR_SECTION, valIndex+1, sectionToCell(section,si1)));
return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::hiddenPairInRow(int round){
for (int row=0; row<9; row++){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<9; valIndex++){
int c1 = -1;
int c2 = -1;
int valCount = 0;
for (int column=0; column<9; column++){
int position = rowColumnToCell(row,column);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (c1 == -1 || c1 == column){
c1 = column;
} else if (c2 == -1 || c2 == column){
c2 = column;
if (valCount==2){
for (int valIndex2=valIndex+1; valIndex2<9; valIndex2++){
int c3 = -1;
int c4 = -1;
int valCount2 = 0;
for (int column=0; column<9; column++){
int position = rowColumnToCell(row,column);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex2,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (c3 == -1 || c3 == column){
c3 = column;
} else if (c4 == -1 || c4 == column){
c4 = column;
if (valCount2==2 && c1==c3 && c2==c4){
bool doneSomething = false;
for (int valIndex3=0; valIndex3<9; valIndex3++){
if (valIndex3 != valIndex && valIndex3 != valIndex2){
int position1 = rowColumnToCell(row,c1);
int position2 = rowColumnToCell(row,c2);
int valPos1 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex3,position1);
int valPos2 = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex3,position2);
if (possibilities[valPos1] == 0){
possibilities[valPos1] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (possibilities[valPos2] == 0){
possibilities[valPos2] = round;
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::HIDDEN_PAIR_ROW, valIndex+1, rowColumnToCell(row,c1)));
return true;
return false;
bool SudokuBoard::handleNakedPairs(int round){
for (int position=0; position<BOARD_SIZE; position++){
int possibilities = countPossibilities(position);
if (possibilities == 2){
int row = cellToRow(position);
int column = cellToColumn(position);
int section = cellToSectionStartCell(position);
for (int position2=position; position2<BOARD_SIZE; position2++){
if (position != position2){
int possibilities2 = countPossibilities(position2);
if (possibilities2 == 2 && arePossibilitiesSame(position, position2)){
if (row == cellToRow(position2)){
bool doneSomething = false;
for (int column2=0; column2<9; column2++){
int position3 = rowColumnToCell(row,column2);
if (position3 != position && position3 != position2 && removePossibilitiesInOneFromTwo(position, position3, round)){
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::NAKED_PAIR_ROW, 0, position));
return true;
if (column == cellToColumn(position2)){
bool doneSomething = false;
for (int row2=0; row2<9; row2++){
int position3 = rowColumnToCell(row2,column);
if (position3 != position && position3 != position2 && removePossibilitiesInOneFromTwo(position, position3, round)){
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::NAKED_PAIR_COLUMN, 0, position));
return true;
if (section == cellToSectionStartCell(position2)){
bool doneSomething = false;
int secStart = cellToSectionStartCell(position);
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int position3=secStart+i+(9*j);
if (position3 != position && position3 != position2 && removePossibilitiesInOneFromTwo(position, position3, round)){
doneSomething = true;
if (doneSomething){
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::NAKED_PAIR_SECTION, 0, position));
return true;
return false;
* Mark exactly one cell which is the only possible value for some row, if
* such a cell exists.
* This method will look in a row for a possibility that is only listed
* for one cell. This type of cell is often called a "hidden single"
bool SudokuBoard::onlyValueInRow(int round){
for (int row=0; row<ROW_LENGTH; row++){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int count = 0;
int lastPosition = 0;
for (int col=0; col<COL_HEIGHT; col++){
int position = (row*ROW_LENGTH)+col;
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
lastPosition = position;
if (count == 1){
int value = valIndex+1;
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::HIDDEN_SINGLE_ROW, value, lastPosition));
mark(lastPosition, round, value);
return true;
return false;
* Mark exactly one cell which is the only possible value for some column, if
* such a cell exists.
* This method will look in a column for a possibility that is only listed
* for one cell. This type of cell is often called a "hidden single"
bool SudokuBoard::onlyValueInColumn(int round){
for (int col=0; col<COL_HEIGHT; col++){
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int count = 0;
int lastPosition = 0;
for (int row=0; row<ROW_LENGTH; row++){
int position = rowColumnToCell(row,col);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
lastPosition = position;
if (count == 1){
int value = valIndex+1;
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::HIDDEN_SINGLE_COLUMN, value, lastPosition));
mark(lastPosition, round, value);
return true;
return false;
* Mark exactly one cell which is the only possible value for some section, if
* such a cell exists.
* This method will look in a section for a possibility that is only listed
* for one cell. This type of cell is often called a "hidden single"
bool SudokuBoard::onlyValueInSection(int round){
for (int sec=0; sec<SEC_COUNT; sec++){
int secPos = sectionToFirstCell(sec);
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int count = 0;
int lastPosition = 0;
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int position = secPos + i + 9*j;
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
lastPosition = position;
if (count == 1){
int value = valIndex+1;
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::HIDDEN_SINGLE_SECTION, value, lastPosition));
mark(lastPosition, round, value);
return true;
return false;
* Mark exactly one cell that has a single possibility, if such a cell exists.
* This method will look for a cell that has only one possibility. This type
* of cell is often called a "single"
bool SudokuBoard::onlyPossibilityForCell(int round){
for (int position=0; position<BOARD_SIZE; position++){
if (solution[position] == 0){
int count = 0;
int lastValue = 0;
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
if (count == 1){
mark(position, round, lastValue);
if (logHistory || recordHistory) addHistoryItem(new LogItem(round, LogItem::SINGLE, lastValue, position));
return true;
return false;
* Mark the given value at the given position. Go through
* the row, column, and section for the position and remove
* the value from the possibilities.
* @param position Position into the board (0-80)
* @param round Round to mark for rollback purposes
* @param value The value to go in the square at the given position
void SudokuBoard::mark(int position, int round, int value){
if (solution[position] != 0) throw ("Marking position that already has been marked.");
if (solutionRound[position] !=0) throw ("Marking position that was marked another round.");
int valIndex = value-1;
solution[position] = value;
int possInd = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[possInd] != 0) throw ("Marking impossible position.");
// Take this value out of the possibilities for everything in the row
solutionRound[position] = round;
int rowStart = cellToRow(position)*9;
for (int col=0; col<COL_HEIGHT; col++){
int rowVal=rowStart+col;
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,rowVal);
//cout << "Row Start: " << rowStart << " Row Value: " << rowVal << " Value Position: " << valPos << endl;
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
// Take this value out of the possibilities for everything in the column
int colStart = cellToColumn(position);
{for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
int colVal=colStart+(9*i);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,colVal);
//cout << "Col Start: " << colStart << " Col Value: " << colVal << " Value Position: " << valPos << endl;
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
// Take this value out of the possibilities for everything in section
int secStart = cellToSectionStartCell(position);
{for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
int secVal=secStart+i+(9*j);
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,secVal);
//cout << "Sec Start: " << secStart << " Sec Value: " << secVal << " Value Position: " << valPos << endl;
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
//This position itself is determined, it should have possibilities.
{for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<9; valIndex++){
int valPos = getPossibilityIndex(valIndex,position);
if (possibilities[valPos] == 0){
possibilities[valPos] = round;
//cout << "Col Start: " << colStart << " Row Start: " << rowStart << " Section Start: " << secStart<< " Value: " << value << endl;
* Print a human readable list of all the possibilities for the
* squares that have not yet been filled in.
void SudokuBoard::printPossibilities(){
for(int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
cout << " ";
for (int valIndex=0; valIndex<NUM_POSS; valIndex++){
int posVal = (9*i)+valIndex;
int value = valIndex+1;
if (possibilities[posVal]==0){
cout << value;
} else {
cout << ".";
cout << endl << "-------------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------" << endl;
} else if (i%9==8){
cout << endl;
} else if (i%3==2){
cout << " |";
cout << endl;
* print the given BOARD_SIZEd array of ints
* as a sudoku puzzle. Use print options from
* member variables.
void SudokuBoard::print(int* sudoku){
for(int i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++){
if (printStyle == READABLE){
cout << " ";
if (sudoku[i]==0){
cout << '.';
} else {
cout << sudoku[i];
if (i == BOARD_SIZE-1){
if (printStyle == CSV){
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