Array of Random Numbers
Write a program called Random50 that fills an array with fifty random values between 1 and 999. However, before a random value is entered into the array the program must check that the number generated is not already in the array. If it is already present then a new random number must be produced and similarly checked before entry. This process is repeated until a suitable number has been generated.
To create random numbers you must use an appropriate class from the Java library. The generation of random numbers has not been covered in the lecture course but you should be capable of researching this problem and locating the appropriate tool for this Exercise.
Once the array has been filled display the contents in the following format (i.e. ten lines of five numbers):
245 079 333 628 001
378 . . .
Notice that all the numbers are displayed as three digit number so you will need to use leading zeroes on numbers less than 100. There are a number of ways of doing this problem but your solution must conform to the following general requirements the outer loop is a while loop there is an inner loop to check for duplicates non-duplicate random numbers are stored and printed within the outer loop
i really need a hand just to show me how to start it off the basics please would be very greatfull : )