I started learning Python 3 around a month ago and I think, I am beginning to get the hang of it. However, I just recently realized that most of the modules I would like to use(wxPython, django,etc) aren't yet ported to Python.

SO now, I'm really confused whether I should continue with Python 3 and wait for those modules(which could, from the research I've done take, could take some time) or start learning Python 2.x. What do you guys suggest I do?

I guess that these programs would offer up support eventually. Find a brand-new GUI or graphics module that is supported in 3.x This gives you the opportunity to learn how to use that module without wasting time.

Just have both installed as most of us have.
Wxpyhon is a excellent GUI toolkit use python 2.x if you need to use that.

This topic has been upp several times,python is python dont get hang up in python 2.x or 3.x.
If you are learning python 3.,you are learing python 2.x and visa versa.
Just get ourself uppdatet what the differences are.

Thanks for the tips guys!! I think I'll have to get acquainted with 2.x too.

Anyways, does anyone here know around when wxPython and django will be porting to Python3?

Thanks, for the info snippsat. I've been considering more options and found PyGTK; is it compatible with Python 3 yet. The website says pygobjects is compatible with Python 3 now, but I'm still not sure whether that means I can use PyGTK with Python and how.

And to keep coding Python 3 like, you can use in beginning of Python 2.7 programs:

from __future__ import print_function, division, generators
    input = raw_input # nobody use input, so lets overwrite it with Python3 style raw_input

Then mostly your code runs both Python 2 and 3 (naming of modules being main issue and strings being unicode in Python 3).

PyQt is compitable with python 3,and of course build in Tkinter.
For beginner there is a massive amount of quality book/tutorials/forum help that are almost all inn pyhon 2.x.
Is not a smart ting to overlook all that info because you look only for for python 3 stuff.

Most platforms and third party libraries out there only support Python 2. You should learn Python 2, and keep an eye on Python 3 and its development to make sure you don't fall behind.

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