Hi, pple im interested to know how to put a drawn 'image', a combination of a circle and a line into another class?

If i like to draw that 'image' in the void paint() method multiple times, e.g 10. How should i go about doing it?

Below is a sample of my code...

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class Balloons extends Applet implements MouseListener, ActionListener
 // The X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the last move.
 int xpos, ypos;
 int xsrc, ysrc;

 Color fill, outline;
 Button butt1 = new Button("Start");
 private Timer timer;
 long time = 60000; //60 seconds
 int displayTime, i;

 int delay = 1000; //milliseconds
  ActionListener timerAction = new ActionListener() {
      long x = time - 1000;
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
         ysrc -= 1;
          x -= 1000;
         i += 1;
              displayTime = 60 - i;
          if (x < 0) {

 public void init()

    fill = Color.red;
    outline = Color.blue;  
    /*timer start*/
    timer = new Timer( delay, timerAction);
  // Add the MouseListener to your applet



 public void paint(Graphics g)

            // A circle using the oval at 150,310 and 80 pixels diameter
    g.fillOval(10, 450+ysrc, 30, 30);
    g.drawOval(10, 450+ysrc, 30, 30);
    g.fillRect(25, 480+ysrc, 1, 20);
    g.drawRect(25, 480+ysrc, 1, 20);
     g.drawString("Timer: ("+displayTime+") seconds", 10, 10);


     /*mousemoved method*/
     public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {}

     //method called when mouse is being dragged
     public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {}

     // This method will be called when the mouse has been clicked.
     public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent me) {}
     public void mousePressed (MouseEvent me) {}
     public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent me) {} 
     public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent me) {}

     public void mouseExited (MouseEvent me) {} 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent click){


Override the paint method and use the translate method of the Graphics object. Remember that translate(100,100) doesn't mean goto point 100,100. It means move to the right 100 and move down 100.

public void paint(Graphics g)
	//draw circle

	//move left and down by 100

	//draw another circle

	//move left and down by 100

	//draw another circle

private void drawCircle(Graphics g)
	g.fillOval(0, 0, 30, 30);
	g.drawOval(0, 0, 30, 30);

For more help, www.NeedProgrammingHelp.com

Thanks for the help NPH, it has helped me a lot.
i am now having problems trying to get the a variable from my 'public void balloon' method. The variable is array x. I like to call the variable in my 'mouseclick' method but i am unable to do so. An error " x is not public in java.awt.Component; cannot be accessed from outside the package".

I would also like to ask for help or examples in objects and classes. Im thinking of setting the balloon method into another class. But i do not know how to go about in doing so. If possible, how do i access the methods in the newly created balloon class too?

I like to seek some help in this . Thank you.

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class Game extends Applet implements MouseListener, ActionListener

 // The X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of the last move.
 int xpos, ypos;
 int ysrc;
 Color fill, outline;

 Button butt1 = new Button("Start");
 private Timer timer;
 long time = 60000; //60 seconds
 int displayTime, i;
 boolean clicked, OnImage;
 int HitScore, MissScore;
 int delay = 1000; //milliseconds
  ActionListener timerAction = new ActionListener() {
      long x = time - 1000;
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
         ysrc -= 1;
          x -= 1000;       
         i += 1;
         displayTime = 60 - i;   
          if (x < 0) {

 public void init()
     fill = Color.red;
     outline = Color.blue;  
    /*timer start*/
    timer = new Timer( delay, timerAction); 
  // Add the MouseListener to your applet


 public void paint(Graphics g)

     g.drawString("Timer: ("+displayTime+") seconds", 10, 10);
     g.drawString("HITS: ("+HitScore+"), MISS: ("+MissScore+")", 10, 20);


public void balloon(Graphics g) {

        int [] x;
        x = new int[10];
    for( int i = 0; i<10; i++){
        int count;
        count = 40;
        int increment = count*i;
        if(increment == 0){
            increment = 40;
        x[i] = increment;
    g.fillOval(x[i], 450+ysrc, 30, 30);
    g.drawOval(x[i], 450+ysrc, 30, 30);

     /*mousemoved method*/
     public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {}

     //method called when mouse is being dragged
     public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {}

     // This method will be called when the mouse has been clicked.
     public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent me) {
     xpos = me.getX();
     ypos = me.getY();
        if( xpos > x[i] && xpos < x[i] + 30 && ypos > 450+ysrc && ypos < 450+ysrc + 30 ) {
              OnImage = true;

            } else {
                OnImage =false;
                   //if OnImage is true set the hit score to increment by 1 else increment misses by 1
                if( OnImage ) {
                    HitScore += 1;
                        } else {
                        MissScore += 1;
     public void mousePressed (MouseEvent me) {}
     public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent me) {} 
     public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent me) {}

     public void mouseExited (MouseEvent me) {} 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent click){
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