Hi, I've been using tkinter to write a program that has a root window and many toplevel windows. I was able to create them successfully but my next step was to incorporate mysql with it so it would actually store any data that was entered in the various entry fields. I started with a typical script to connect to mysql with the username and password hardcoded and was able to have data saved into the database. My problem now is that I want a login window where a user will enter their own username and password and if correct, it will connect to mysql. From there, toplevel windows can be opened and data from entry fields stored. The code below is a mock up of what I have (up over 1300 lines now) and it will do the login with valid username/pass but now the other sql commands won't execute because I guess the 'global name cursor' isn't defined, or is out of the loop? How can I correct this?
from Tkinter import *
import sys
import MySQLdb
# Toplevel window that opens when "NEXT" button is clicked in "NextWindow" widget
def NewWindow():
win = Toplevel()
# entry boxes put in a frame, text stored in variables k, l
ent_frame = Frame(win)
Label(ent_frame, text="ITEM:").pack(side=LEFT)
k = Entry(ent_frame, width=15)
Label(ent_frame, text="BRAND:").pack(side=LEFT)
l = Entry(ent_frame, width=15)
# using get method for entry boxes above
def SaveIt():
m = k.get()
n = l.get()
# executing a sql command and inserting m,n
cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO info (item, brand) VALUES("%s", "%s")"""% (m,n))
print "Number of rows inserted: %d" % cursor.rowcount
Button(win, text="Save",command=SaveIt).pack(side=BOTTOM)
Button(win, text="Next", command=win.destroy).pack(side=BOTTOM)
# Toplevel window that opens when "Next" is clicked from root window.
def NextWindow():
win = Toplevel()
# entry boxes put in a frame, text stored in variables c,d
ent_frame = Frame(win)
Label(ent_frame, text="CITY:").pack(side=LEFT)
c = Entry(ent_frame, width=15)
Label(ent_frame, text="STATE:").pack(side=LEFT)
d = Entry(ent_frame, width=15)
# using get method for entry boxes
def SaveThis():
h = c.get()
j = d.get()
# executing a sql command and inserting h,j
cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO info (city, state) VALUES("%s", "%s")"""% (h,j))
print "Number of rows inserted: %d" % cursor.rowcount
# Click 'save' run 'SaveThis' and executes sql command. 'Next' opens toplevel
Button(win, text="Save",command=SaveThis).pack(side=BOTTOM)
Button(win, text="Next", command=NewWindow).pack(side=BOTTOM)
# Takes text entered in root window of user & pass and enters them in sql connect
def SaveData():
f = a.get()
g = b.get()
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",
user = "%s" % (f),
passwd = "%s" % (g),
db = "maindb")
# error if wrong username or password
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
sys.exit (1)
cursor = conn.cursor ()
root = Tk()
# frame containing 2 entries which will be stored in variables a,b
ent_frame = Frame(root)
Label(ent_frame, text="USERNAME:").pack(side=LEFT)
a = Entry(ent_frame, width=15)
Label(ent_frame, text="PASSWORD:").pack(side=LEFT)
b = Entry(ent_frame, width=15)
# Clicking 'login' runs 'SaveData' and passes info into sql and connects with
# username and password.
Button(root, text="Login",command=SaveData).pack(side=BOTTOM)
# opens a toplevel window with more entry fields
Button(root, text="Next", command=NextWindow).pack(side=BOTTOM)
When I do it this way it works:
from Tkinter import *
import sys
import MySQLdb
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",
user = "kiddo39",
passwd = "somepass",
db = "maindb")
cursor = conn.cursor ()