can anyone tell me about send keys.....if possible attach a small code also

I find this site realy useful.

SendKeys is near the top of the page. You can search from the commands down the left.

Hope this helps.

yaa i got what it said....but where should i embedd this code...where should i write this statement

SendKeys "Color" a command button??....where will it go??

it will go whereever the cursor is located. If you want someone to push a button and have "COLOR" input in a text box, you must first change the focus.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
text1.setfocus ' Sets focus to the txet1 textbox
sendkeys "COLOR" 'Types COLOR in the text1.text
end sub

it will go whereever the cursor is located. If you want someone to push a button and have "COLOR" input in a text box, you must first change the focus.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
text1.setfocus ' Sets focus to the txet1 textbox
sendkeys "COLOR" 'Types COLOR in the text1.text
end sub


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