Hey everyone. So I'm stuck trying to insert a class object into my List. I'll try to post what I think is code relevant to my question, but can post more if needed. Basically, I want to have an adjacency list that holds the adjNodes, which contain the weight and vertices connected to each city/node. As it stands, the below code will compile, but will segfault every time it tries to insert into my List.
class adjNode
int vertex;
int weight;
adjNode(int v, int w) : vertex(v), weight(w) { }
adjNode() { }
Tripper::Tripper(Road *roads, int numRoads, int size)
List <adjNode> adjList;
for (int i=0; i<numRoads; i++) //Doesn't work with either line
adjList[roads[i].city1].push_back(adjNode(roads[i].city2, roads[i].distance));
//adjList[0].push_back(adjNode(2, 15)); //Really it's nothing but 3 integers involved
for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
for (List<adjNode>::iterator itr = adjList[i].begin(); itr != adjList[i].end(); itr++)
cout << "There is an edge going from " << i << " to " << (*itr).vertex;
cout << " with a weight of " << (*itr).weight << endl;
} // Tripper()
void push_back( const Object & x )
{ insert( end( ), x ); }
iterator insert( iterator itr, const Object & x )
Node *p = itr.current;
return iterator( p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node( x, p->prev, p ) );
Thanks again for any direction.