i have absolutely no idea what to do, can someone explain the steps, or do it and explain what they did?
A purse has an array list of coin names that can
be changed by adding coins.
public class Purse
//instance variables
private String[] coins; //the money in the purse
private int count ; // the number of coins in the purse
private int size ; // the real size of the purse
private final int SIZE = 100 ; //the default size
Constructs a purse with a default size.
public Purse()
// todo: initialize coins, count and size.
// approximate lines of code required: 3
Constructs a purse with a given size.
@param size the size of the purse
public Purse(int size)
// todo: initialize coins, count and size.
// approximate lines of code required: 3
Deposits money into the purse.
@param coin the coin to deposit
@return false if the coin cannot be added (the purse is full
or the coin is not legal)
public boolean addCoin(String coin)
// todo: fill in the method
// approximate lines of code required: 4
Private helper method to check legality of coin
@return true if legal, false otherwise
private boolean legal(String coin)
// todo: fill in the method
// approximate lines of code required: 4
Produces string representation of money in purse.
@return Purse[coin,coin,...]
public String toString()
// todo: fill in the method
// approximate lines of code required: 8
Reverses the order of the money in the purse
public void reverse()
// todo: fill in the method
// approximate lines of code required: 6
Removes top coin from the purse
@return name of the coin removed, null if no coin removed
public String remove()
// todo: fill in the method
// approximate lines of code required: 8
Transfers all the money from a given purse to this purse
@param other the reference to the other purse
public void transfer(Purse other)
// todo: fill in the method
// approximate lines of code required: 5
A class to test the Purse class.
public class PurseTester
Tests the methods of the Purse class.
@param args not used
public static void main(String[] args)
Purse harrysPurse = new Purse();
Tester.test(1, harrysPurse.addCoin("Dime"), true);
Tester.test(2, harrysPurse.addCoin("Nickel"), true);
Tester.test(3, harrysPurse.addCoin("Yen"), false);
Tester.test(4, harrysPurse.toString(),
harrysPurse.reverse() ;
Tester.test(5, harrysPurse.toString(),
Purse marysPurse = new Purse(2) ;
marysPurse.addCoin("Dime") ;
marysPurse.addCoin("Nickel") ;
harrysPurse.transfer(marysPurse) ;
Tester.test(6, harrysPurse.toString(),
Tester.test(7, marysPurse.toString(),
This class contains some static methods to compare values.
public class Tester
Compares two boolean values.
Prints a message if they are not equal.
@param number the number of the test
@param obtained the typically unknown value
@param expected the expected value
public static void test(int number, boolean obtained, boolean expected)
System.out.println(number + ". Obtained: " + obtained) ;
System.out.println(number + ". Expected: " + expected) ;
System.out.println("--------------------------------------") ;
if (obtained != expected) {
System.out.println("ERROR! OBTAINED IS NOT EXPECTED") ;
System.out.println("--------------------------------------") ;
Compares two String values.
Prints a message if they are not equal.
@param number the number of the test
@param obtained the typically unknown value
@param expected the expected value
public static void test(int number, String obtained, String expected)
System.out.println(number + ". Obtained: " + obtained) ;
System.out.println(number + ". Expected: " + expected) ;
System.out.println("--------------------------------------") ;
if (! obtained.equals(expected)) {
System.out.println("ERROR! OBTAINED IS NOT EXPECTED") ;
System.out.println("--------------------------------------") ;
Compares two integer values.
Prints a message if they are not equal.
@param number the number of the test
@param obtained the typically unknown value
@param expected the expected value
public static void test(int number, int obtained, int expected)
System.out.println(number + ". Obtained: " + obtained) ;
System.out.println(number + ". Expected: " + expected) ;
System.out.println("--------------------------------------") ;
if (obtained != expected) {
System.out.println("ERROR! OBTAINED IS NOT EXPECTED") ;
System.out.println("--------------------------------------") ;