Alerwiali 0 Light Poster
This program suppose to take number of rows and print a triangle of stars like this:
How many row for the triangle? =  12


Please help with no much modification if possible !!

;Assembly Version

.model small 
 msg1      db 'How many rows for the traingle? : $'
 msg2      db 'Error: too many cols !! $'
 nrow      db ? 
 mult      db 2
 var       dw 80 
 ncol      dw ?
   mov ax,@data
   mov ds,ax
   xor si,si 
   xor bx,bx 
   ;prompt the user to enter number of rows 
   mov dx,offset msg1
   mov ah,09h
   int 21h 
  ;read number of rows
   mov ah,01h
   int 21h 
   sub al,30h
   mov nrow,al
   mov cx,ax
   ;calculate number of coulms 
   mul mult
   sub ax,1
   mov ncol,ax
   ;check validity of number of cols 
   cmp ax,var 
   jge error  
   ;print in new line 
   mov dl,10d
   mov ah,02h
   int 21h
   mov dl,13d
   mov ah,02h
   int 21h   
      mov al,nrow 
       add  bl,1
       xor  dl,dl
       sub  nrow,bl 
       jmp  condition1
           call printspace 
           add dl,1 
           cmp dl,nrow
             jle condition1
           xor dl,dl
           mov al,bl
           mul  mult
           add dl,1
           jmp condition2 

           call printstare
           add dl,1
           cmp dl,al
           jl condition2
             ;print in new line 
              mov dl,10d
              mov ah,02h
              int 21h
              mov dl,13d
              mov ah,02h
              int 21h
              loop outerLoop
              jmp finish
    mov dx,offset msg2
    mov ah,09h 
    int 21h 
     jmp finish  
 finish :
        mov ah,4ch 
        int 21h 
      push ax
      push bx
      push cx
      push dx 
      mov dl,' '
      mov ah,02h 
      int 21h  
      pop  dx
      pop  cx
      pop  bx
      pop  ax

      push ax
      push bx
      push cx
      push dx 
      mov dl,'*'
      mov ah,02h 
      int 21h  
      pop  dx
      pop  cx
      pop  bx
      pop  ax