I have been working on a project in Intel assembly until I hit a bump and I can't seem to get myself out of a hole. I realize that this is homework, and I don't expect anyone to do my work for me. However, a little help would definitely be nice. I think I will be able to figure out the last procedure if PrintNumber gets figured out. However, I don't understand what to do for these:
;determine the size of binary value
;set index to size
;move '$' to storage array offset index
;append ascii bits to remainder
Thanks for the help.
Main procedure that will use three procedures to get any two integer values, find their greatest common divisor, and display the two integers and their GCD to display screen. It should allow the user to run the program for any number of pairs of integers until the user indicates that they do not have any more data to process.
GetNumber (ASCII to Binary) procedure
set character count to zero
get a character from the keyboard
while character is not the carriage return
store character in input array
increment character count
get a character from the keyboard
set multiplier to 1
set index to character count minus 1
loop character count times
get character at offset index
remove ASCII bits (using and mask)
multiply by multiplier
add to binary value
multiply the multiplier by 10
decrement the index
PrintNumber (Binary to ASCII) procedure
determine the size of the binary value
set index to size
move '$' to storage array offset index
decrement index
while binary value > 10
divide binary value by 10
append ASCII bits to remainder
move ASCII remainder to storage array offset index
decrement index
append ASCII bits to last digit
move ASCII value to storage array offset index
set dx register with starting address of storage array
display ASCII string (FC = 09h, int 21h)
GreatestCommonDivisor procedure
get first number
get second number
while first number != to second number
if second number is > first number
second number = second number - first number
first number = first number - second number
GCD = first number ( or second number)
display GCD value
What I have so far:
.STACK 100
mult db ?
input dw ?
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ;set DS to point to the data segment
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
GetNumber PROC
mov cx, 0 ;set char count to 0
mov ah, 01h ;obtain char from sdin
int 21h
mov bx, 0Dh
WHILE bx != ah ;while loop
mov input, ah ;store char in input
inc cx ;inc cx
mov ah, 01h ;get another char from sdin
int 21h
ENDM ;end while
mov mult, 1 ;set mult to 1
mov bx, cx - 1 ;set index to cx - 1
L2: ;fixed duration loop
mov al, OFFSET bl ;get char at offset index
and al, 000Fh ;remove ASCII bits via and mask
mul mult ;multiply x multiplier
mov ah, 0
add al, ah ;+ to Binary value
mov al, 10
mov bl, mult
mul bl ;multiplier x 10
dec bx ;dec index
loop L2
GetNumber ENDP
PrintNumber PROC
;determine the size of binary value
;set index to size
;move '$' to storage array offset index
dec bx ;dec index
WHILE al > 10 ;while loop while binary value > 10
div al, 10 ;% binary value by 10
;append ascii bits to remainder
;move ascii remainder to storage array offset index
dec bx ;dec index
;append ascii bits to last digit
;mov ascii value to storage array offset index
;set dx register with starting address of storage array
;mov FC, 09h ;display ascii string
;int 21h
PrintNumber ENDP
GreatestCommonDenom PROC
;get first #
;get second #
;while loop while first # != to second #
; if second # > first #
;second # = second # - first#
;first # = first # - second #
;GCD = first or second #
;display GCD
GreatestCommonDenom ENDP
END Main