im a newbie to python still so bare with me if i have gone down the wrong route or my explanation is confusing!!

any ideas on how i can sort my list by the size of the file

at the moment it is getting the size of the file and joining it with the name in to a string.

my problem - i can sort either the name or the size before i add them to the string but once they are sorted i can't work out how to match the file to the size

import os
folder = ('.')
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(folder):
  for dirs in path:
    for file in files:
      filename.append(os.path.join(path, file))
    for I in filename:
      f_size.append(os.path.join('['+I+' size = '+filesize+']'))
print (f_size)

my list looks like this so far
please don't be fooled in to thinking its already in order because i just happened to pull 4 of the list items which were in order
'[(.\\) of test1.txt) size = 63]',
'[(.\\5) of test1.txt) size = 63]',
'[(.\\6) of test1.txt) size = 63]',
'[(.\\Copy of test2.txt) size = 65]'
any help on where i am going wrong or what i can do to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.

thanks for you time guys and girls

Here is a good way to do this. The key points are

  • use generators
  • use list comprehensions
  • use sorted() and it's 'key' argument
# python 2 and 3
import os

# write a generator to decouple the code which creates the data
# from the code which uses it

def gen_triples(folder):
    for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(folder):
        for file in files:
            name = os.path.join(path, file)
            size = os.path.getsize(name)
            repr = "[{n} size = {s}]".format(n = name, s = size)
            yield name, size, repr # we yield a tuple with 3 values
def by_name(triple):
    return triple[0]

def by_size(triple):
    return triple[1]

folder = "."

# use the sorted() builtin function to sort the data

name_sorted = [ repr for (name, size, repr) in sorted(gen_triples(folder), key = by_name)]
size_sorted = [ repr for (name, size, repr) in sorted(gen_triples(folder), key = by_size)]

from pprint import pprint
print("BY NAME")
print("BY SIZE")

I have a idea!
you can add the fact to a dict!!
let me show you!

#this is a function that sorting filepath by the files size.
#it will only return the sorted list of the filepaths, not the file objects.
#the files must be existed! else IOError will be raised.
def SortPathBySize(filepathlist):
    codes = {}
    for fp in filepathlist:
        file_r = open(fp, "r")
        data =
        size = str(data.__len__())
        codes[size] = fp
    new_list = []
    for d in codes:
    return new_list

and then you have paste the func code, you can sort all files by size!

directory = "C:/Documents and Settings/user/Desktop"
import os.path
files = os.path.listdir(directory)
files = SortPathBySize(files)
for fp in files:
    size = open(fp, "r").read().__len__()
    print "fp: " + fp + " size: " + str(size)

that will work for sorting by size there the smallest begin first.
if you want to sort by name, you can shange




if you want to sort by size ther the biggest begin first, you must
encrypt size to 2000000000 - size

i hope you will success!

i have completed it and it works perfectly thanks for all the help guys
i have learned a lot about 'DEF's which i never knew!
here is my final code if anyone else has the same problem and needs some help

#created by dan holding v1.1 (29 nov 2010)
import os,pprint
while True:
    print('how many files to show?')
  except ValueError:
    print ("please type a number")
def gen_triples(folder):
  for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(folder):
    for file in files:
      if 'Temporary Internet Files' in dirs:
        dirs.remove('Temporary Internet Files')
      name = os.path.join(path, file)
      size = os.path.getsize(name)
      repr = "[{n} SIZE = {s}]".format(n = name, s = size)
      yield name, size, repr 
def by_name(triple):
  return triple[0]
def by_size(triple):
  return triple[1]
folder = "."
size_sorted = [ repr for (name, size, repr) in sorted(gen_triples(folder), key = by_size)]
from pprint import pprint

once again many thanks and praise to Gribouillis for the help with 'defs'

I would suggest to change the file name repr to something else as it is one basic Python function and using it as variable is confusing.

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