I need help the word class for a hangman program

here is the code i have so far:

 * File: Word.java

package csc212project05;

import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Word

    private static java.util.ArrayList<String> wordlist = null;
    private char[] lexeme = null; // the characters in the word

     * Build a list of words from file.
     * @param sc - connected to file containing word list
     * @global wordlist - this method adds content to wordlist
    public static void initializeWordlist(Scanner sc)
        wordlist = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();

        // use a while loop to read all the words
        // from the Scanner object sc and add them to wordlist


     * Construct a random Word object.
     * @global wordlist - copies a word from here
    public Word()
        // select a random word from the wordlist (use the get method)
        // allocate a new char array to lexeme the length of this word
        // use a for loop to copy word.charAt(i) into lexeme[i]


     * Construct a copy of a give Word object.
     * @param word - word to copy
    public Word(Word word)
        // select a random word from the wordlist (use the get method)
        // allocate a new char array to lexeme the length of word.length()
        // use a for loop to copy word.lexeme[i] into lexeme[i]


     * Construct a word of a given length repeating a single character.
     * @param ch - char to repeat
     * @param length - number of times to repeat ch
    public Word(char ch, int length)
        lexeme = new char[length];
        for (int j = 0; j < lexeme.length; j++) {
            lexeme[j] = ch;

    public int length()
        return lexeme.length;

    public String toString()
        return new String(lexeme);

     * Search for a matched character.
     * @return:  whether "copy" contains the char denoted by "guess"
     * @param guess the user's attempt at guessing a letter
     * @param disposableCopy a copy of secret word which we can destroy
     * @param whatWeHaveSoFar the part of the word we've solved so far
    public static boolean matched(char guess,
                           Word whatWeHaveSoFar,
                           Word disposableCopy)
        for (int i = 0; i < disposableCopy.lexeme.length; i++) {
            if ( guess == disposableCopy.lexeme[i] ) {
               whatWeHaveSoFar.lexeme[i] = guess;
               disposableCopy.lexeme[i] = '-';
               return true;
        return false;

     * Does this Word object equal another Word object?
     * @return whether or not the contents in the two lexemes equal?
    public boolean equals(Word otherWord)
        // if their lengths are unequal return false
        // else
        // write a for loop
        //     and compare lexeme[i] to otherWord.lexeme[i]
        //         if they are != return false

        // if you make it through the for loop return true
        return true;


Thats a code skeleton for you to complete, you haven't done anything.

i know i just have no clue how to do anything..im not asking for full code just maybe some hints if possible thanks

You are given plenty of hints in the code skeleton. Try to do some coding yourself and come back with more specific problems.

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