
Is it possible to write and compile a cross-platform C++ Program in Visual Studio (C++) Express or Professional? I only ask this question (before starting on a big project) because I would like to support other platforms without changing my coding environment, if you get what I mean.

Kieran ;)
Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can create the program, but VC++ can not compile for platforms other than MS-Windows and a few embedded devices. IMO if you need the program to be compatible on both MS_Windows and *nix then use Code::Blocks with MinGW on MS-Windows and Code::Blocks with g++ on *nix. If you want to write a GUI program then use QT for cross-paltform.

commented: Making me happy ;) +1

Yes, you can create the program, but VC++ can not compile for platforms other than MS-Windows and a few embedded devices. IMO if you need the program to be compatible on both MS_Windows and *nix then use Code::Blocks with MinGW on MS-Windows and Code::Blocks with g++ on *nix. If you want to write a GUI program then use QT for cross-paltform.

Thank you very much ;)

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