Hi All
I was hoping for some advice based on the pool of experience here at Daniweb. I've been teaching myself to program in Python and I'm starting to get the hang of it, now I'm able to write small programs to automate administrative tasks as well as some complex data queries.
I did start programming in Python with the intention of starting on a larger project so I started off learning to use SVN, then moved onto Python (after thinking about which language would be most suitable).
After doing a bit of programming and taking simple tasks and figuring them out in my head I've realised that (as I am sure most of you reading this already have) it's a good idea to have a plan before you start writing that first line of code.
With this in mind, I wondered if anyone has any recommendations on books that I could read to design my software before actually writing it? I've heard terms like UML and Design Patterns but I'm not sure if they are suitable for a language like Python. Should I be reading the "GOF" book?
I'm not asking for answers, just to be pointed in the right direction so any recommendations would be most appreciated!
TIA, Simplified.