I was wondering if anyone can help me with linked lists???
I have to create a linked list with 10 random numbers rangeing from 1-5 and insert them into a node in the appriote postion of a linearly linked list and display the number of times each number of occurences of each item. and i have to create a function that would delete the replicate items in the linked list and only leave one of the same numbers. and then display the linked list sorted and unique.
I am having trouble starting this out because my teacher sucks and the book is horrible. I have tried help from computer people but it is still not sticking. I am sure if someone can help me get started i can probably get the rest done but i have no idea to get this started because i have only used c++.net and the teacher wants it done in c++6.0 so that is some of the trouble i am having so if someone can help i would be grateful.
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